Know God and understand the Bible or.... do they know the Faithful Discreet Slave and study literature?
Jehovah's Witnesses - Do they really...
by Honesty 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They are not really supposed to study the Bible on its own, that's why those people got kicked out of bethel back in the early eighties, they were having groups for plain bible study without watchtowers.
Overall they rely heavily on the FDS literature to study the Bible. So they will pick up all the distortions and dogmatic errors found in it. -
It isn't really about 'knowing' God for jw's but rather 'taking in knowledge' about God, isn't it? But, they do not understand the difference there.
They are not really supposed to study the Bible on its own, that's why those people got kicked out of bethel back in the early eighties, they were having groups for plain bible study without watchtowers.
Dogpatch has an article on freeminds that discusses how happy Bethel was when the JW Gestapo discovered covert Bible Study groups doing after hours research without using WT swill to fill their minds.
I have read that story and it is most revealing, the GB were dead against not using the corporations's publications in my view because that threatened their business they would lose a lot on sales if the JWs didn't buy and use their publications.
In addition it's their wish to keep their members brainwashed and under their spell. They don't want them to wake up and see the truth. -
Bumble Bee
Know God and understand the Bible or.... do they know the Faithful Discreet Slave and study literature?
I think things have changed over the years. My grandfather knew his bible really well. He very rarely used any JW literature. Did he know God? I can't answer that - certainly the things he did in his life would tell me otherwise, but I'm sure he thought he did and was justified his child abuse, drinking etc. Now I don't think the average JW really knows God or their bible. They know the scriptures the "society" tells them to memorize for FS, and they know what the "society" wants them to know about God. For all the so called "bible study" they do they really know very little. I'm speaking of personal experience - I thought I knew so much when I was a JW, but was shocked when I look back on how little I really knew/know. I look to other family members - they can't just look something up in the bible to expain anything - it's the publications first and foremost. BB
JWs know only the spiritual pablum the Watchtower spoon feeds them. It is a systematic program of talks, studies where the answers are provided in each paragraph, repitition, followed by literature distribution. There is no "worship" taking place, as one might see in other churches. Even prayers are a brief rehash of the meeting, directed more to the audience than to God.
"I think things have changed over the years. My grandfather knew his bible really well. He very rarely used any JW literature."
I've herad it from other ppl as well that things got worse over the years with the org becoming more and more extreme. -
Even prayers are a brief rehash of the meeting, directed more to the audience than to God.
This would drive me crazy, especially at assemblys it was like another talk was being given, made me sick.
And if you think about it, what is always said from the platform: "Per the Organisation" - "The Society Says".
One day I got to thinking...the JDubs worship a business, not God. Think about it, I'm sure any and all here can remember when they went, this is all you heard.
It's all just business, it's not worship.