Just wondering what you think

by beaches 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • beaches

    I am on my journey of discovery, and have lots of ideas going through my head abou the bible. I am just wondering what different people on this board have come to the conclusion or what stage of thinking are they at about what role the Bible plays in our lives.

    My random floating thoughts and ideas:

    1) Is inspired and Gods message to us, but NT cancels all "laws" and we are just to follow Jesus and God and be true Christians not part of any religion.

    2) Bible is book of stories that people way-back-when wrote in order to pass down verbalized morals and illustrations in OT. NT is development of new spiritual belief and embraced by Christians in order to support thier beliefs.

    3) Bible is another way of "finding God" and understanding his relationship w/ Him. On same level as Koran, teachings of Budda, etc. Just a way of making sense of there possibly being God(s). These were all written down to let generations learn the lessons and stories of ancestors.

    4) Bible is another book written by people that were scared of the "unknown" eg. space, earthquakes, oceans, cultures and had to find some way to explain everything.

    I haven't even begun to get to the end of this journey, but just interested...

  • robhic

    I agree completely and feel you've hit the nail on the head with #4. The bible is a book written by superstitious goat / camel herders to make themselves feel better and explain (to some extent) the unexplainable. Look at the catholic church's treatment of Galileo's theory that the earth did the rotating and not the sun. And how many people perished as a result of other mis-information and beliefs of the bible?

    It was a pep-talk to make an obscure little tribe feel better about themselves than they were in reality. All the victories and miracles and special handling they attributed to their god because they, alone, were special -- the chosen people. Yeah right.

    Read all you can and keep an open mind. Apply logic and the work will mostly be done for you. Good luck in your journey.


  • greendawn

    For me it's your option number one that applies, the New Covenent and all those that are part of it become a new creation.

  • freedomlover

    beaches first off- welcome to this board!

    When I first left, I felt so lost, so I CLUNG to the bible and tried to answer my questions just using that. I did answer some but what I found was that as a JW we were taught to translate the bible SO literally. I started reading books on the centuries when the bible was actually compiled and who actually wrote the bible books -(hint) - it wasn't who the society says wrote it.

    I have come to appreciate the bible as an interesting historical book that has some wise words from a wise man named Jesus who once walked the earth, just like buddha, and ghandi, and other great leaders of their times. When you start looking at history and myths of ancient peoples you will be so shocked at the similarities in the bible.

    Keep searching and reading. You are on the right path.

  • looking_glass

    I agree with no 3. Christianity is just another religion. Why should I think that a religion that was born and given birth to many other sects the right religion when there are other beliefs that have been out there a lot longer. I think if you study them all and get a general over view you will come to your own conclusion and that will most likely not fit within the confines of one particular religion.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    beaches; robhic; fl

    Wow, it is good to know I am not the only person around here thinking these things. Good thread.

    I agree that people take the bible waaay too literally. I think that, like other ancient writings, many of the stories of the ot were stories that were passed down to teach various lessons.

    I personally don't think that it was a matter of worshipping jc so much as it was a matter of learning from his compassion and love for humanity. Which to me echoes some of the asian philosophies.

    (cool thread)



  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate


    I'm probably one of a minority here thay have embraced the Bible as Jewish historical fact, and the gospels are a true account of Jesus. I do believe that Jesus said in John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me. I believe it is true.

    The Watchtower misrepresented the Bible and most everything in it.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Welcome, beaches

    For me, number 1 is the closest - although I'd say that the law wasn't abolished by the NT, rather it was fulfilled (this is what Jesus said he came to do). To me the NT gives a better understanding of how to obey the spirit of the law (rather than obeying it as a written word), and a solution when we fail.

    If I wasn't a believer, I would say number 2 (with a hint of 4!) is closest, as similar stories and law codes are recorded in other ancient documents.

    Good luck on your journey of discovery.

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