I am on my journey of discovery, and have lots of ideas going through my head abou the bible. I am just wondering what different people on this board have come to the conclusion or what stage of thinking are they at about what role the Bible plays in our lives.
My random floating thoughts and ideas:
1) Is inspired and Gods message to us, but NT cancels all "laws" and we are just to follow Jesus and God and be true Christians not part of any religion.
2) Bible is book of stories that people way-back-when wrote in order to pass down verbalized morals and illustrations in OT. NT is development of new spiritual belief and embraced by Christians in order to support thier beliefs.
3) Bible is another way of "finding God" and understanding his relationship w/ Him. On same level as Koran, teachings of Budda, etc. Just a way of making sense of there possibly being God(s). These were all written down to let generations learn the lessons and stories of ancestors.
4) Bible is another book written by people that were scared of the "unknown" eg. space, earthquakes, oceans, cultures and had to find some way to explain everything.
I haven't even begun to get to the end of this journey, but just interested...