hey guys,
ever find that you come across ex-jws in the most unlikely places?
i been to couple parties recently where it was like
"What!??!?! you used to be a jw? ME TOO!!!"
ex-jws are turning out to be some of the best people i've ever met.
all of you included!
finding ex-jws... i just want to say:
by Calliope 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Happens all the time here...at the bars (ssssh) Now we have more friends who understand what we are going through!! Most of them just left on their own..not knowing it wasn't the truth. So, its fun to tell them all the stuff we learned and most of them are willing to listen.
i've never ran into one at a party or anything.. i think its cool that you did though! instant conversation starter lolsometimes you find ex jw's in other odd places..
recently i seen a relative i hadnt seen in several years.. i'm not one to pick a fight but i want to "test" people to see if they are going to shun me cuz i'm inactive (my daughter says i'm a risk to her spirituality so she shuns me as well as most of my family)
... so anyway i walk up to this relative and say hi! and not long into the conversation i hear " i've been researching things about the wtbs" you could have knocked me over with a feather.. i didnt admit to researching anything (paranoid) but made it clear i was inactive and never going back..
i think my jaw is still dropped. i was SHOCKED! (and pleased)