Yeah, the conduct of some people does suck; posting their mad twaddle here when they should be talking to their therapist.
I do mean Shelby; I've said in other posts that she's actually, in her way, quite charming, but that doesn't mean that she isn't a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Is it okay to say that? Or do I have to pretend that she's normal?
I am amazed that in a country that supposedly prides itself on the freedom of speech, the freedom of speech is so restricted.
In England, where I come from originally, there is a lot more freedom. It means public figures have a hell of a time. It's more or less fair comment for a comedian to say 'Tony Blair is a complete fucking moron'.
Can you imagine that on Jay Leno?
Nope. In England you can call the Royal Family a buch of inbred half-wits on TV, no problem.
Can you call the Bush family that on TV? Don't think so.
In America, finding someone who GETS sarcasm, parody or irony is rare. This might seem like a generalisation, but it's not just my experience knowing a few dozen American's whilst at University, or travelling in the 'States. It's a common comment from people who've had dealings with Americans.
The we have linguistic differences. I work for a large Asian computer company operating in the Netherlands. The work force are a third Dutch, a third Taiwanese, and a third mixed up between every country you can think of. English is the common language. Swear words that would be unacceptable in an English office environment are 'loan words' and are used with shocking freeness (and I have a mouth like a sewer at times, and am pretty broad-minded). Why are they used like that? Because they LOSE THEIR POWER to a non-native speaker.
Example; the Dutch for 'god damn it' is considered a worse swear word than 'fuck'.
Put all this together. We have a mostly American contingent saying a Norweigan is bad because of the way he 'speaks', because of what he says.
Obviously you are allowed your opinion, as are the opposing view and those who think we should shut the f--- up and talk about something marginally more interesting, like photosynthesis.
But think of the lenses you are viewing the situatiuon through; the lens of culture, the lens of language, for some, even the lens of religious propriety.
Are your values and opinions completely relevant to the person you are critising? What gives YOU the moral upperhand?
larc; I like your posts, probably MORE than Kent's, so don't try to accuse me of bias, this is my opinion. Comparing insulting a person to causing a stampede in a movie theatre is lame. Comparing insulting a person to perverting the morals of a minor is lame. Suggesting we put up a 'front' for the lurkers is lame; what next, love bombing?
lisa; I like your posts too; one thread you started was very cool indeed, so likewise, this isn't me sayinf 'Kent rules you suck'. I say this not to suck up, but to make you take what I say seriously and not as a YAY KENT!!
You say "We should stop protecting the abusers", but there is a difference between someone making an unprovoked attack on an innocent party (an abuser) and someone lampooning a known nut job and liar. That's not abusing, that's fair comment. She put herself forward for it by being here and by her actions.
You say "These people make others feel it is unsafe to speak here", but again, I disagree. They give a clear message that lies and hypocracy will be made manifest. Isn't that a good thing?.
You say "They drive away the best posters". Well, sometimes a good poster is lost, but if they value freedom of speech below their own sensitivity... their posts might be good, but they have a way to come in personal development, IMHO.
You say "They diminish other people’s freedom here as they hold the board hostage", whereas I would suggest that by making people wonder if they are allowed to say something those in support of censorship are the ones holding the board hostage, saying 'OUR standards, not yours, OURS are RIGHT'.
You say "They show lack or respect for others", but we are talking, I believe, about a known liar and la-la lady being lampooned, so how much respect was SHE showing? There's a few Biblical scriptures I still like, and reaping what you sow is one of them.
You say "They abuse the very free speech that we all hold so dear, and they laugh while they are doing it" whereas I would say they USE that freedom of speech we all hold so dear and laugh while they are doing it.