Does anyone know of software that would enable me to freeze frames of a DVD to print them as photographs? I had a DVD done of my daughters wedding and I would like to print photos from it. Her photographer sucked and there are alot of shots that he missed. He took no photos at all of her flowergirls, and they were adorable. I have Windows XP and a HP photosmart printer. Any suggestions? els
still photos from DVD?
by els 3 Replies latest jw friends
If you are trying to freeze frame moving video into a screen capture, USUALLY the DVD playback software that is included with your DVD-ROM for your PC has a "still-capture" button. I know that Cyberlink PowerDVD has this capability. You just have to determine from the settings where the images are actually being saved on the hard drive. Don't expect high print quality right away. You will probably have to do some enhancements to the file using an image editing program like Photoshop or something similar.
Good luck!
Thank You. Is it Captain or Schmidi? I think I can figure that out. If I can't I'll let you know. Thanks again, els
I just do "print screen" with Windows Media Player... I did that today for the Chauncey "brainwash shampoo" still from the Wonder Showzen DVD...