Dear friends and sojourners,
A few of you guys read and advised me on my proposed letter to my brother I posted a while back.
To fill you in: I wanted to send a letter to my brother who has returned gung ho to the organization to let him know exactly where I stood on the Society et all. I felt that this letter would give me the freedom to post pics online, speak my mind freely and root out the last vestige of hold the organization had on me. I still believe this would be the case. But some of you gave me pause by advising against it. So I decided to just re-word my letter a little. Then my life really took a drastic turn for the worse in some other areas (nothing to do with my brother or extended family), so the letter got put off (I could not stand too much loss at once).
Well, my brother gave me a call out of the blue one day about a week ago and we just talked and laughed like old times (almost). Before, he never called me. I always had to initiate the contact and it was stilted and veiled at best--no true connection. Since he called, though we have been calling and talking regularly again. I am thrilled! We had always been so close before he went back. This fills in a badly gored piece of my soul.
We don't talk religion, we don't talk WT policy, etc. But we do talk--really talk adn connect. And that means the world to me.
I want to thank you guys who just caused me to put the brakes on long enough for this to transpire. I still intend to post pics here soon, and be as free as is my birthright (I realized I do not need a letter to be free--I need only open my eyes).
The Universe, my friends, truly does unfold as it should.
Thank you for your input.
I love you all and this site so so much!