My father in law has a house on Block Island that we (my husband and I, his brother and their dad) all have a say in. We are putting tile in the entry area and my brother in law suggested multi colored slate. I was immediately, vehemently against it but couldn't figure out why until I remembered that the Kindom Hall I grew up attending had slate floors in the lobby area. It was the first thing I saw every time I had to walk into that place, and I do not want to see it every time I walk into this house that I love. I also hate the smell of Lestoil cleaner because that's what we used to clean at the Hall. els
Do you find that you dislike random things because of being a witness?
by els 3 Replies latest jw friends
Guess I don't know what part of these things are "random". They are pretty specific to unpleasant past experiances. Pretty understandable considering what they conjure up for you! Me, I don't like any kind of "formal" meeting that doesn't allow free and open participation by the audience. Just a hold over of my frustration with the canned meetings at the KH.
Sorry the JW's spoil all these things that were invented by worldy people! :)
There might be someone that you don't like because of their last name, but just remember there are probably zillions of people with that same name! It's happened with celebrities -- there was one particular person who had "surname x" and then I loved this show and one of my favorite actors also had this name! AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I LOVE THE NAME NOW. Because this particular actor has shown me it's cool to have as a name because he is so talented! And I found out he was born in the early 1900's and I thought to myself "this actor was around decades before this JW even existed so stuff that!" -
Nothing directly like that, but the smell of Watchtowers in my inlaws home bother me. I am not joking, it is that Kingdom Hall smell I remember so well and I think it was the smell of publications roting.