It seems that a popular porn star has branched out into fine wines and is winning rave reviews for the excellence of her product
from wine professionals.
When I read things like the above, I think back to the image of wanton, immoral people foisted on us by the Watchtower - people
laden down with guilt, depression, and paralyzed by sin. It ain't necessarily so. I believe the same may go for people who were
sexually abused - while I don't recommend taking up porn production as a career, clearly, lots of sexual activity doesn't stop you from being
creative, clever or cheery in life. Another porn star ( Tiffany Million) was molested as a child and ended up as an aggressive entrepreneur
of her own physical charms. Again, I don't recommend such a life style BUT I do note that she was not cowering or paralyzed by
the weight of her past.
The above represents some extremes of behavior that tells us that people can adapt to all sorts of things, if they don't cast themselves
as victims . I say these things carefully because the past can be a terrible weight and burden and I don't dismiss that. It's a strange
world we live in.....