The Great Wine Race

by Poztate 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    Well I am off to memorial with my wife in a few hours (don't ask) It has bored me to tears for the last 25 years or so but it is the one concession I make for my wife. I have always thought of it as 45 minutes of hell (yes only 45) and find myself looking at my watch often and jingling my car keys a lot.....This year will be different and add interest to this occasion....It is...The Great Wine Race.

    My wife's congo is split in two for this festive occasion with a centre isle. The wine passers are poised at the end of the isles to receive the rejected wine and pass it on to the next row of rejectors.Often one side will win with only moments to spare over the other side. I am laying bets with a few doubters over which side will win. I have to give odds since a member of the "annointed" sits on one side and that slows things down just a step. She is one of the "new annointed" who only started to partake when she developed health problems and all her family left the"truth" This could be bigger than the Kentucky Derby and prove a new source of interest for those prodded to attend. Start one up in your local KH...

  • Virgochik

    I remember that silliness! Our congo used some Ministerial Servants one year and they were snickering and trying to race each other to get a row ahead of the other guy. If anyone, like a study, paused to ask their qualified Christian Minister study conductor what to do, they would glare at them for slowing their rows down!

    It was very disrespectful of Jesus and the whole occasion turned into a little game.

  • Poztate

    Great news....The Memorial only took 37 minutes to complete including the "special invitation" for a FREEā„¢ bible study and an invite to the "special talk" It almost took less time than that.The elder conducting forgot momentarily about the concluding song and wanted to hustle us out with only a word of prayer. He must have been geting thirsty for a sip or two of the wine...

    Did they drone on longer where you HAD to attend??

  • willdabeerman

    virgo, where at? that sounds like one i was at. i think they dipped into the wine before starting.

  • serendipity

    Thanks to this post, I watched the 'race' last night. By the end of the wine passing, one brother on the losing team was so flustered he didn't know which way to go to return the wine.

    BTW - Our Memorial ran over an hour this year and last year. The previous memorials were done in 45 minutes.

  • unclebruce
    By the end of the wine passing, one brother on the losing team was so flustered he didn't know which way to go to return the wine.

    Handling the holy grail is not for the faint of heart.

  • gumby
    Well I am off to memorial with my wife in a few hours (don't ask)

    Hey Poztate come your going to the memorial with your wife? ( I couldn't resist)

    Hey bro, nice you went to make her feel better. I wished I coulda got in on the bet though. I woulda picked the annointed side in your hall cuz them newbie partakers are made to feel so damn guilty that they eat and drink real fast and hardly any time woulda been lost!


  • Virgochik

    Wildabeerman, that was back home in Indiana, where I grew up, just south of Chicago.

  • Poztate
    Hey bro, nice you went to make her feel better. I wished I coulda got in on the bet though.

    Just send me your money and pick left or right.(NO not that left or right) I will keep track for you at next years memorial and tell you if you won or lost.....

    I only make her feel better once a year and sure was glad the whole thing was wrapped up in 37 minutes flat. From some of the posts looks like some congo's are a little long winded.She did catch me looking at my watch...SEVERAL TIMES during the proceedings.Damm 37 minutes seemed like several hours to me.

    I always refuse her invite to the "special talk" althought she always invites me. It satisfies her little religious itch for another year.

  • Poztate
    By the end of the wine passing, one brother on the losing team was so flustered he didn't know which way to go to return the wine.

    It sounds like he didn't know how to perform under pressure. We had a few old,old elders passing the cup and I think that slowed down the left side just enough to lose. I might have to handicap next years race and offer odds.(except for Gumballs) I take paypal BTW

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