by undercover 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    So, I went to the memorial last night. Geez, it must have been "Welcome Home, Undercover" night at the KH. People were lining up to speak to me. And it was all nice, jovial conversations, not a single word of "encouragement" to keep coming to the meetings.

    I got two or three invites to dinner with the friends. One brother followed me around like in the cartoons, "whadya wanna do now, huh huh?...(looks at camera) undercover, he's my pal".

    Now I'm supposed to play golf with a group of dubs in a couple of weeks. I wonder if they'll care if I bring some cigars along?

    Anyhoo, the before and after was actually kind of fun. Got to see some old friends, catch up with them, see the kids and how much they've grown. But the talk was soooo lame and contrived. As has been mentioned by others already, Jesus wasn't even the star of the talk. It was more about the 144,000 and why their remnant is allowed to partake but the rest of us aren't. I'd heard it all my life, but I tried to listen as if I was a new person. Nothing said last night would convince me that I needed to hang out at the local KH.

    And the special, what an obvious ploy to attract new suckers, er, converts. The brother that read it really played it up. I noticed a few old timers sat up straight, so as to hear better, I guess, I dunno. But it looked like they thought something big was happening, and then their shoulders slumped ever so slightly as the brother invited new people to find an attendant to set up a Bible study.

    A few hotties came in, wearin low cut blouses. One girl came in low-rise jeans, tight low cut top and stripper shoes. Watching her was worth the price of showing up all by itself.

    All in all, it was just another typical Memorial as far as the "celebration" itself, but having everyone fall all over themselves to "welcome me back" was fun enough to make it bearable.

  • love2Bworldly

    "A few hotties came in, wearin low cut blouses. One girl came in low-rise jeans, tight low cut top and stripper shoes. Watching her was worth the price of showing up all by itself."

    Are you sure you weren't at Brooke's Memorial? Hee Hee

  • skeeter1

    When you play golf, do what I do....they will never ask you again for golf

    Harass the drink girl

    Drink alot

    Take bets

    Be competitive

    Swear alot.


    p.s. Sorry I missed the chick with the tight jeans. What's that song by Pink? Stupid Girls

  • jgnat

    We had a hottie in our Memorial, too! Purple streak in her black, black hair and non-theocratic bondage spike-shoes.

    But the star of our show was an infant who blew farts through her chubby lips through most of the service.

    Oh, forgot one. A boistrous elder nearly knocked over one of our honored grey-headed ones. The poor man shakes even with his cane. The elder apologized, but it looked like our senior barely forgave him.

  • garybuss

    You wrote: A boistrous elder nearly knocked over one of our honored grey-headed ones.
    Bowling night for elders.

  • buffalosrfree

    I was ignored bomber when I went last night, There wasn't one person who stopped and talked with me, I know some there didn't know me, but then again, I heard some sisters and brothers introducing themselves to people right behind me, and two rows in front of me, but no one came to talk with me, I finally waylaid one individual who i was concerned about (his health) and he was the only brother I talked with, i seen some wondering who I was but none would come up and talk with me.

    To me, this was just the same ole thing, ignore, ignore, and ignore, absolutely no love shown for those they didn't know, and damn little to those they did.

    Once again the most spiritually dry program for this occasion, but I guess it made the wife both mad and happy that i attended, she was upset i didn't open the bible nor take part in the moaning (oops I mean singing).

    In and out not one word from anyone, other than the brother I waylaid, and a sister my wife goes out in service with who is always very nice.

    It just enforced the reason I don't attend, that along with the deception and lies from the society.

  • greendawn

    Are you an inactive JW or an interested person that drifted away from them? Whatever they do don't trust them since their kindness is only an appearence however nice and there is no real depth in them as friends.

  • PoppyR

    Well undercover, sounds like another good memorial for you!

    I followed your advice, went in head held high and I could almost see the confusion on some peoples faces.

    One sister came up to me and held my arm and said "you look great, but I wonder, how are you REALLY"

    so I just smiled and said I was REALLY feeling great, and it was good to see everybody.

    Felt weird and yet so at home to be back, almost like settling back in with an old lover because it feels so familiar even when you know it's over. I can see why people hang on to it. But I'm not one of them!

    Poppy x

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