What a crock of BS! I just talked with my non-JW female friend (grown-up) who had gotten an invitation to the "deceptive memorial". Here's what I mean. I have tried to educate her on JW doctrine. I think she doesn't listen half of the time. She has a 19 yr old, DF'd (6 months now) girl living with her who still shows up at the "mind control" hall for the meetings etc. even though the "love" they show is in the form of shunning her. Ok..... back to the invite. She said her impression was that on the invite there was a graphic of a wine glass and bread and left the impression everyone would be partaking of the "elements". As a non-JW, half educated on JW doctrine, I told her, "AIN"T NOBODY gonna be eatin' and drinkin' anything at the "fooled ya... we really don't partake" memorial". She was shocked. The invation lead her to believe otherwise. I told her what have I been trying to tell you. They are a bunch of kooks. You can't partake unless you're one of the 144,000... anointed. ALL of Revelation is symbolic and they interpert Revelation as symbolism yet the 144,000 number is literal. I think my friend is slowly getting the picture.
I asked her "who one the beauty contest"? I explained what that meant and she said "the DF'd 19 yr old" was really dressed up! I said they forget about what God is really concerned about... the "condition of one's heart". They are nothing, but rotten, mind controlling apples with lots of "toilet water" splashed on to cover up the stench of their decaying, mind controlled souls.
Yea....... she's getting the picture.... slowly but surely.