being invited to a birthday party

by pitbull 6 Replies latest social relationships

  • pitbull

    I have been invited to a birthday party by a close friend.

    Should I go?Is it not o.k to go?Why should'nt I go?.Where is it written in the JW religion that I should not attend my close friends party.

    Is this not a moral delema as oposed to a religous belief

    Can I hold my religious beliefs and still attend the function.

    I am open to all comments

  • lilybird

    It is the birthday party of a close friend who you obviously care about or they wouldn't be your close friend..There is no moral dilema here.. If I was you I would go.. Your friend would appreciate you caring enough to be there... Plus... it'll be fun!!!!!!!!

  • zeroday

    It would appear you need someone to micromanage your life. Try thinking on your own for once.

  • Purza

    Welcome pitbull.

    Where is it written in the JW religion that I should not attend my close friends party.

    No where. Just go and have a good time.


  • aoxo

    missing out on parties while i was a witness has been very bad for me emotionaly. im afraid to go to any party now. i think you should go to the party, it sounds like a very healthy and fun thing to do. the bible does not say you can't go to birthday parties, it just gives two examples of bad things happening in two parties. but bad things can happen at any party, even a cop party with a black male stripper.

  • Poodles

    My JW boyfriend came to my sister's birthday party Sun. night, 4/30/06 and he really enjoyed hisself!! I gave everyone "seven people" a card that said a little something about my relationship with them which they really enjoyed! The one i gave my boyfriend said something about our seven year relationship!


  • schne_belly
    Should I go?

    Do you want to? If yes, then GO...have fun! Celebrate another year of life for your friend..and eat lots of cake too

    Is it not o.k to go?

    Of course it's okay. This goes with your 3rd questions...

    Where is it written in the JW religion that I should not attend my close friends party

    Nowhere in the Bible ( which is what you should be using...not any Watchtower or other publication) does it state birthdays are not to be celebrated! Ask anyone and they won't be able to find a scripture that states this...sure they can twist and imply things...but nothing clear and direct!

    Let us know what you decide!

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