Moscow Police detains Jehovah’s Witnesses during the Memorial

by Rado Vleugel 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    “They burst in at the height of the service, when the symbols were being passed,” Kanin, the spokesman of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia said, referring to the bread and wine used to symbolize Jesus Christ’s body and blood. “They wouldn’t even allow them to finish the ceremony. There was nothing secretive going on there.” Read the rest »

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    Rado Vleugel

  • ringo5

    I think the Russian government would be further ahead to provide cheap Internet access for these people . Education is the only way to keep their numbers down .

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    Although I have no warm feelings for the Society, I totally disagree with this action of the


  • James Free
    James Free

    Any government that tries to suppress religion, especially JW's, are doing more harm than good. JW's will see it as persecution that confirms they are the right religion. BUT, let people worship freely and the numbers of followers tapers off, even falls. That's what happened in Poland and many eastern European countries.

    I don't agree with the Org. and feel it does a lot of harm. This sort of action is not the answer.

  • ocsrf

    As mentioned this type of action by the Russian Gov. just solidfies and galvanizes them as a religion. If the stupid Russian Gov. wanted to really be affective they would just make sure the Society has to pay their fair share of property and income taxes, the headquarters will cry about that more than whether their poor members have to go to jail or have bicycle spokes jammed in their legs.


  • jeanniebeanz
    If the stupid Russian Gov. wanted to really be affective they would just make sure the Society has to pay their fair share of property and income taxes

    I agree. I'd like to see all religion have to do this.



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