Our local group of X-JW's met on Wednesday, 12. April to observe (i.e. celebrate) the Lord's Evening Meal.
Unlike 2005, this year we met in two groups. No individual attended both groups. The combined attendance shows an increase of nearly 150% compared to 2005. Last year roughly one-third of the baptised attendees partook; this year about 75% partook. (A number of the local group who felt a need for re-baptism in 2005/6 have since been re-baptised.)
We hope to find a larger facility to enable us to meet as one Ecclesia, although we are not anticipating another very large increase for 2007. The local JW congregations have already lost a significant number of their affiliates, thereby reducing the potential for increase in our Ecclesia. Also, our numbers include a few Brothers who are still viewed as JW's by the local congregations; indeed, we met later than the JW's, thereby enabling attendance at both Memorials for any who wished to do so. (We did the same in 2005.)