positive Memorial experience

by bennyk 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bennyk

    Our local group of X-JW's met on Wednesday, 12. April to observe (i.e. celebrate) the Lord's Evening Meal.

    Unlike 2005, this year we met in two groups. No individual attended both groups. The combined attendance shows an increase of nearly 150% compared to 2005. Last year roughly one-third of the baptised attendees partook; this year about 75% partook. (A number of the local group who felt a need for re-baptism in 2005/6 have since been re-baptised.)

    We hope to find a larger facility to enable us to meet as one Ecclesia, although we are not anticipating another very large increase for 2007. The local JW congregations have already lost a significant number of their affiliates, thereby reducing the potential for increase in our Ecclesia. Also, our numbers include a few Brothers who are still viewed as JW's by the local congregations; indeed, we met later than the JW's, thereby enabling attendance at both Memorials for any who wished to do so. (We did the same in 2005.)

  • serendipity

    Very interesting, benny. Are you a Bible student?

  • KW13

    hey, sounds interesting. Tell us more.

  • inbyathread

    Just got off the phone with BennyK. As he is out of town he won't be able to respond to any of your enquiries until Monday or Tuesday evening.

    I understand from speaking with some who had attended. This celebration was heartfelt by all in attendance more than any who would have heard the usual monotone talk at the KH.

  • sass_my_frass

    Bless you all!

  • bennyk

    We are not affiliated with any of the various Bible Student fellowships, although it should be made clear that we do not view them as the "Evil Slave". We have no dogmatic creed, feeling that such has a tendency to divide the Body of Christ. We are simply a non-denominational Christian fellowship, largely composed of former JW's. We do have some contact with similar groups outside of Central Wisconsin. Some of our group occasionally attend services with other Christian congregations (though not as members), most do not. We baptise (bzw. re-baptise) by immersion. One is to approve oneself before taking Communion (1 Cor. 11: 27,28); the conditions laid before those in attendance who wish to take Communion is: 1) Faith in the sacrifice of our Lord Christ Jesus as means of reconciliation with our heavenly Father, and 2) Full consecration to the Lord and his service, even unto death. Below is the outline for the Spring Communion Service, which requires about 30 minutes (scriptures in parentheses are alluded to, other scriptures quoted):

    Talk Outline: Observing the Memorial of Christ’s Death

  • bennyk

    sorry -- did not paste.

  • inbyathread

    Introductory remarks. 14. Nisan.

    (John 14,6) (Acts 4,12) Christ commanded: Luke 22,19

    Why important? Consider/reflect on two greatest expressions of love:
    (1 John 4,8) God is love. John 3,16 Romans 5,6-8
    Christ: John 15,13 Philippians 2,6-8

    How/ why/ what achieved?
    Jeremiah 31,31-34
    Not for fleshly Israelites only: Acts 15,14-18 Romans 9,6-8.25f
    Imperative be in covenant relationship: Ephesians 2,11-13.17f (1 Tim. 2,5)
    Galatians 3,26-29;4,4-7

    Meaning & significance of New Covenant
    Our Lord explains: John 6,53-58
    Eat/assimilate: Faith in Christ & His sacrifice.
    Decisions/actions in accord w/ faith.

    Memorial: opportunity reflect on love,
    consider what achieved,
    demonstrate faith.

    Explanation of emblems:

    Flesh: Colossians 1,21-23

    Blood: Matthew 26,28

    ** 1 Corinthians 11,27-31 Dedication/baptism, conduct, unity

    Matthew 26,26 **

    Matthew 26,27f **

    Reminded two greatest expressions of love.
    John 17,3
    Consideration of Scriptures: Galatians 6,2.10

  • m. kirov
    m. kirov

    Life is good when one makes choices out of one's own conscience and not because an apocalyptic cult tells you to. I used to go the the memorial at the KH after I left/ drifted away. Then one year I went to a Jayhawks concert instead, 'cause, hey, why bother? This is the second year at Benny K's and there is much more feeling than even the best of the formula memorial's at the KH. (although i do have a childish desire to go to their's just to fake a seizure and spill the wine)

    Thanks again Benny K for the warm water.

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