this has just been on the news in uk, due to happen over next 100 years. im scared :(
The world is likely to suffer a temperature rise of more than 3C
by ness21 9 Replies latest jw friends
Unfortunately it is intergral part of the Global Warming campaign.
Remember, before Global Warming the FEAR that was then being marketed was the return of another Ice Age.
Sad emo
Just read the story on BBC's website. The guy who said it seems to be taking some criticism for his calculations. As long as individuals are prepared to do their bit, (we might as well just give up hoping for some governments and corporations to implement anything ) 100 years gives the world long enough to do something to reduce the impact.
Try not to worry, just do what you can to help
Sad emo
Remember, before Global Warming the FEAR that was then being marketed was the return of another Ice Age.
They do say that global warming will have this effect on the UK and Europe, the theory being that as the ice cap melts, the cold water and icebergs will be carried down into the gulf stream (which currently keeps us warm) and cool the water temperature - so the land mass (which doesn't get submerged!) will cool also.
Go to an island in the Pacific with land 300 meters above sea level.
Buy a house. The world economy might well have collapsed by then so people cant buy tickets to live in your back yard.
Hi Ness,
Good, we need the heat. It is colder than hell in the Chicago area. Besides, before the last little ice age (which we are still coming out of) the Vikings lived on Greenland. So, maybe they can move back and get than big island developed. Global warming does not scare me, as I believe it is just pop hype like the global cooling scare of the 1960s ... we were convinced back then that we were headed into a big ice age, based on snow in southern California. While I do not believe in polluting and poor management, I feel that we need to know a lot more before we can definitively determine if the warming trend is more natural or totally human induced ... and if we do warm, how serious is it compared to the past, when the Vikings could live on Greenland and farm it like a southern plantation. A good book to read is "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. He is a scientist and author. His particular book with help mitigate your fears, and entertain you with a fun story line.Jim Whitney
It's perfectly normal and natural for the worlds temperature to vary. We just tend to look at a miniscule part of it in relations to time itself and try to judge from that what is happening and blame it on ourselves. The human race does not produce as much pollution as just one volcano errupting.
Do a little research and find out for yourself. Then, make sure you don't live too close to any coast lines and relax, it's normal! A bit like puberty and the menopause etc It's normal for the Earth. Wether we like it or not is neither here nor there.
due to happen over next 100 years. im scared :(
So leave your car in the garage!
im scared :(
Of what?
Living to be 150?
I'm scared of living to be 150!! So should youse all be!