This KH is being opposed by the local residents because parking is limited and they expect their street to be overcrowded at meeting times.
Row over JW HQ
by Gill 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It'll be interesting to see what happens, Gill. I know when they built the new KH here there was some opposition based on traffic concerns. Didn't make a difference as the JW's still got their permits and such.
The funny thing is, I'll bet that the local congs are calling the "worldly resistance" a form of "persecution" because Satan wants to stop "True Worship".
~Q -
Isn't that always the way, Quotes? Anything that doesn't just fall into their laps like a ripe plum is "persecution" from da debbil.
Will Power
thanks for posting this
I like the footnotes at the end. I also think its time that regular people & regular christians hear that they don't celebrate the resurrection either!
not celebrating christmas with all its commercial trappings and staying away from easter because of bunnies and chocolate is one thing, but to not celebrate the resurrection is NON-christian. That is THE one thing that sets that particular religion from the others. Lots of prophets & profits come and go, are born and die - but not too many are believed in because they came back to life!
will power -
DannyHaszard informational thread up at their forum
Nice anti witness, Danny!
south african beef
I have been to the Norwich football ground for the convention many many times.
My local congragation built a hall without enough parking provision and the number of continually upset neighbours was unbelievable!
We had lots of special needs talks about considerate parking but often there would have to be an announcement asking bro so and so to move his car because it was blocking somebodys drive. How unchristian.
The local Wittos were more pleased that they had their own hall than worrying about their worldy neighbours.
So glad I am no part of their world now.