Catholics and Superstition - Mother Theresa

by mikepence 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • mikepence

    Apparently Mother Theresa believed that she was being attacked by the Devil. This article really shows just how superstitious the Catholic Church is...something that comes into the JW organization with their large number of Catholic converts.

    Most of the supposedly annointed JW's I know were formerly Catholic. Coincidence?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You're not suggesting that JWs are NOT superstitious, are you?

    I think they are MORE superstitious than most of christendom!

    Hear them talk about exploding Ouija Boards, Exploding Chickens, and angelic protection of pioneer sisters! They're rife with metaphysical urban legends!

    "I don't believe in the Trooth Fairy anymore."
  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2

    I already posted the article you silly goose, like 2 hours before you so thspppttt



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