What are we? what is the meaning of life? is there a God ?
Are all questions that at one time I though I had the answers to or at least almost had the answers to.
Now , well i don't know.
The question I now consider is ,does it matter?
Its tought to realise that all you have belived and followed for your entire life now seems to be wrong.
I have many unanswered questions and there are many paths that I could take but I now feel that it may not be worth the effort anymore.
After all the disscusions I had trying to prove Jehovahs witnesses were the true religion and feeling in my mind i had succeded i realise that my way of thinking was flawed .Why couldn't I see it at the time?
I ask my self was my way of thinking wrong or was I given false information?
I expect it was a bit of both.
But that leaves me with a problem , how do I know this won't happen again?
Although I feel I've grown in understanding and reasoning ability and feel I know more now than I used to how do I know when the next paradigm shift is going to occur.
What changes of thinking will that bring?
Is there such think as absoulute truth?
Maybee thats just a manmade concept to help us deal with basic everyday things that cannot be applied absolutely.
Is it possible to probe the deepest questions and find answers ? Perhaps its like the speed of light in order to reach it you have to put so much energy in it in effect becomes impossible to reach.
Or is it like the difference between the quatum world and the large scale world ?
In the quatum world the measurer affects the thing measured.
In asking the deepest questions are we not measuring the world,? do we the measurer aeffect the thing measured do we effect what is truth and what is not or is there an absoulte truth independent of us out there ?
If there is can we understand it?
Yes I do want to know the answers and I will search for them.