As I sit here with pinkeye farmcat eyes (this is one of the worst things I've ever been through LOL It's HORRIBLE! Please send me 'aw merf, get better soon' vibes and a cyber hot-toddy. Gawd, I'm a whiner today.), waiting for the antibiotic drops to kick in, I wonder what heebie jeebie treatment the sisters at the KH would prescribe for me in lieu of modern medicine...
Here, there was a phase of putting peroxide in water as a cure-all, which was then nudged out by vinegar in water (WTH is wrong with a slice of lemon?!). The elder's mom tried some kind of weird thing from Mexico, and according to "iridology", her cancer was getting better. (um, she died shortly after this 'getting better' prognosis) A sister-in-law used some sort of mushroom water to cure a thyroid 'thing'. The list goes on...