Invalidating your baptism

by What-A-Coincidence 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    What actually validates your baptism?

    The water inmersion or saying yes to the trick questions?

    If B then you can say you never said yes...they would need to prove it with 2 witnesses which they will never come up with thus yout baptsim can be void and null?


  • blondie

    I would say "water immersion" since there were no 2 questions asked of Christians in the bible...nor 80 to 200 questions the elders ask.


  • Shazard

    Gods Word added to water validates. But Baptism in it's deepest meaning is validated in Christs death and ressurection. Baptism is God's promise and is not dependent on amount of water used but on water and God's Word presence!

  • PoppyR

    I know in previous instances they have used evidence such as you auxuillary pioneering, because you have to say you were baptised to do this. And also holding privileges in the cong. So I'm one of those who could not use this line of reasoning!


  • Frog

    i would say that the org would say that it's the dedication that you're supposed to make to JH in prayre & in your heart...water immersion is just a symbolism of your dedication to others. x

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I doubt that the wts would accept any reasoning anyone could think of to make a baptism invalid. Maybe they couldn't prove you answered any questions if you denied it, but there would always be people around who saw you go in the pool. However much or little your dunking means to you now, you still did it.

    The only way out of the wts is by being df'd or da'ing.

  • James Free
    James Free
    i would say that the org would say that it's the dedication that you're supposed to make to JH in prayre & in your heart...water immersion is just a symbolism of your dedication to others.

    Yup, that's the official line.

  • unique1

    Frog hit the nail on the head. I was so young I didn't know you were supposed to do that. So when my parents asked me AFTER my baptism if I had dedicated my life through prayer, I just looked at them confused. They had to explain it to me. No one told me it was supposed to be done at all.

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