You know what's good about Friday nights ?

by troubled mind 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Rum and Coke ....and not Diet Coke either regular Coke and Rum yep that's what's good . Now Saturday night that's Long Island Ice Tea Night. During the week my job prohibits my drinking alcohol, but Friday night yep it's all good.

  • zeroday

    Sitting here all alone with my vodka on the rocks...

  • misanthropic

    ::Rum and Coke ....and not Diet Coke either regular Coke and Rum yep that's what's good . Now Saturday night that's Long Island Ice Tea Night.I'm glad to see you have your weekend nights prioritized ;)
    I actually like Diet Coke with my rum. Regular sugar soda makes me queasy, and not Diet Pepsi either; it has to be Diet Coke.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Is this what apostates do on a Friday night? Hmmmm, fulfilling or just filling? Enjoy.


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