Is it just me...?

by upside/down 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • upside/down

    Or are there one hell of a lot of DF'ings going on right now?

    It seems like there is a hell of a lot more effort going into tracking down and eliminating 'postates and "weak" ones than I EVER saw go into making new disciples...or shoring up the faith of those already in... (damn Pharisees)

    The Witnoids gotta be hemmoraging BADLY!!!

    Word on the street here, is they want to DF me...(not that I could give a flyin leap) but are too scared....I told them the next time ANY of them so much as approaches me about ANYTHING not related to an apology for what they've done to me and my family...I'll beat the livin hell out of 'em... After my short stint in the psych ward...they're not taking any chances...

    MWaaaahhaaaahaaa.... I feel so "evil".

    u/d(of the "pent up rage" class)

  • Honesty

    Nah, it just looks that way cuz Jeeehooobeee is refining his organization and cleansing it of Babylonish sympathizers.

  • upside/down

    So are we kinda like the "insurgents" in Iraq...sorta, kinda?


  • Honesty

    We're so much like 'em that 4,000years ago we would have been brick masons working on a very large and high project.

  • Boxed elder bugs
    Boxed elder bugs

    Their paranoid because were in the information age and they have so much about their past to hide. They will DF anybody that reads, thinks, questions their authority to do their thinking for you.

  • AuldSoul

    It isn't just you. They are DESPERATE for new blood because they are hurting badly from so many disfellowhippings. It is creating paranoia.

    They have every reason to be paranoid. People from farther-flung places are better connected and closer friends than has ever been possible before—because of technology. A recorded JC used to require dubbing of an audio tape for each person who wanted one (arduous work), now free hosting services get recordings downloaded to hundreds of computers in minutes and thousands within an hour.

    At the same time, they sense that their worst nightmare is starting to come true. They have always believed apostates were organized, orchestrated, or mobilized against them. We still aren't organized (the way they think of organization), and there is no central authority for orchestration, but things are in the works that will sharpen the paranoia and that will twist the many knives and swords already sunk deep into this beast.

    Some of these are of a type never seen before, so there are no countermeasures for them. By the time that slow-moving, wounded behemoth figures out a response to one, other ones will arise.

    I want to live to see them shut down forever. I want to know that they lost for good. And then I will smile.


  • upside/down
    At the same time, they sense that their worst nightmare is starting to come true. They have always believed apostates were organized, orchestrated, or mobilized against them. We still aren't organized (the way they think of organization), and there is no central authority for orchestration, but things are in the works that will sharpen the paranoia and that will twist the many knives and swords already sunk deep into this beast.

    The perfect enemy...kinda like Al Qeda...huh?

    I agree... Kill the BEAST!

    u/d(of the 1000 little cuts class)

  • IronClaw
    I want to live to see them shut down forever. I want to know that they lost for good. And then I will smile.

    I totally agree with you AuldSoul.

    UpsideDown, I guess you can count me in as a recently DF'd one. I love the freedom.

    The Claw ( of the ever growing and organized Apostate Class. )

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