Resolution - "Declare Allegiance" "In full Harmony"

by Bonnie_Clyde 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I recently came into possession of some old WT volumes. Was interested in the 1938 issues as that was the year that they became a full "theocracy."

    Most of the Letters from readers are addressed to "Brother Rutherford." Here are some gems. There are many more

    P. 192: "We, the Birmingham (England) company of Jehovah's witnesses wish to declare our allegiance to Jehovah and to the Society as His channel in providing "meat in due season" and instructions in preaching the Kkingdom message.

    P. 160: The resolution adopted by the company publishers as Calgary is as follows: ...."We are in full harmony with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and recognize it as the Lord's channel for feeding his people and directing his work now in the earth.".......

    Almost all the letters that are addressed to Rutherford have expressions of gratitude, thankfulness, and allegiance to The Society, the organization, even to Rutherford himself.

  • luna2

    Kind of makes you want to barf, doesn't it? I suppose that effusive gratitute and pledges of allegiance (ha!) were perhaps more common then, but its still sick making.

  • lovelylil

    More proof that they were never loyal to Christ at all. Although they give him lip service, they are truly not Christians. Their loyalty is to a man made organization.

  • blondie

    Yes, Rutherford starting changing the structure of the congregations from being independent entities with elected elders to being controlled from Bethel. He eliminated elective elders and appointed a service director. 1938 was the final step in consolidating his control and forced the last of the elders from Russell's time to choose him or get out. Several congregations left at this time too.

    Since that time, any congregations or elder bodies who go against the WTS are removed and/or dissolved.


  • James Free
    James Free
    Was interested in the 1938 issues as that was the year that they became a full "theocracy."

    but it did not, and still is not, a full theocracy. That is a fiction! Up to 1976, the president still made all the decisions, and even now, they agree by two thirds majority voting on the GB - which is DEMOCRATIC not theocratic in nature. Of course, the GB itself is not theocratic either, since according to their teology, The FDS has the authority, not them - but they are not chosen by the FDS and they don't consult with the FDS in any way, so it is all a big con trick.

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