Okay. my BF invited to go to the commmuinion memorial with him. I wasn't able to go but someone told to do a little research into it. What exactly is the service?
Memorial ...What is it really?
by Wendy_Warden 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
my BF invited to go to the commmuinion memorial with him
why do you call it a "communion service' ? There is no communion at the memorial service. The JW memorial is a service at which all JWs are asked to reject Christ.... as they are not allowed to "partake" of the "emblems" (wine and bread)....
I call it that becasue that is what he said. What do you mean they reject Christ?
Here you go, this should keep you busy for awhile. Here is just a few in my favorites. Sorry if I left anybody's site out, gotta run now.
http://www.macgregorministries.org/index.html, http://www.freeminds.org/, http://www.ex-cult.org/, http://www.silentlambs.org/, http://ajwrb.org/index.shtml, http://www.jwfiles.com/index.htm, http://www.reexamine.org/quotes/index.htm, http://www.premier1.net/~raines/mental.html (Dr.Jerry Bergman's paper on mental illness in jw's, someone was looking for that the other day) http://forananswer.org/Top_JW/Scholars%20and%20NWT.htm , http://www.jwinfo.50megs.com/, http://www.jwfacts.com/, http://members.aol.com/carol2180/treform.htm,
Oh my God! I can't believe that! Not only is that really worng, but it is so sad. Jesus died so we could have communion with him. I am sorry if this sounds overly emotionial but I can hardly believe it.
They pass around the wine & bread and nobody but the 'annointed 144,00' can actually partake of it. I think there are supposedly only about 8000 left of the 'annointed' today. (someone correct me) So, to the outside world it appears that they actually reject the body and blood of Christ. From what I understand they only pay a short lip service to Jesus during the memorial. Most of it seems to be about serving jehovah and the organization.
They hold this memorial only once a year that's the only chance they have to participate in the bread and wine taking but even then very few if any do so in each JW congregation.
Most JWs do not believe that they are part of the new covenent, a very strange concept for people that call themselves Christians.