Can someone tell me what the purpose of the conventions are and what does on at them? Trying to still research this religion and understand more from the outside.
What Is the Conventions About?
by Broken Hearted 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Conventions are just large gatherings of the JWs where they hear talks just as they do in their kingdom halls but they go on throughout the day. Have in mind though that the JWs interprert the Bible in a way that is not necessarily correct.
Broken Hearted
I know they are encouraged to attend these but are they like the meetings you don't go and people will be breathing down their neck?
Conventions have an attendance of 5,000 - 10,000 and are an annual event. They last three days, Friday-Sunday. They are usually held in a rented convention center.
A highlight of the convention is that this is where new publications are released, usually a tract/booklet and a book.
This is not a pep rally, most of the talks are strictly read from a manuscript and there is a person appointed to follow along with his copy to ensure the message is delivered. Most talks run along a basic structure (repeated every year) that is "spiced" by the "theme" scripture of the convention.
There is a huge financial windfall to the Watchtower Society because is "resolved" by congregation heads to contribute a fixed sum to the "Worldwide Work", the general fund. Usually this is about $10 per person or about $10,000 per event for large conventions. Not bad for a weekend's work.
Usually you are "encouraged" to attend all the days of the Convention. And there is a special part in the Thursday night meeting before a convention telling everyone what it will be on, how they should be there for it all, so as not to miss all the spiritual junk, I mean food. And they tell you how to dress, act and be a good witness for the public. In other words how to fakely appear spotless to the wordly people in the hopes of bringing more into the Borg, I mean Org. I always referred to these meeting parts as the Shut up, sit down, and just swallow what we give you talks.
Think Billy Graham crusade with these differences:
Cheap brochures. I mean, it's black ink on a colored background, about 4" by 6", and they don't even FOLD them for you.
Canned music. Canned music is a signal for everyone to find their seats.
Music is also sung to break up the various parts of the meeting.
Sales talks, no dynamic speaker.
Lots of signage. Be neat. Sit here. Don't sit here.
Lunch boxes under every other seat.
Young ones cruise the hallways on breaks. Conventions are a rare chance for JW youth to court other of their kind. And it's about the only "legal" way they can.
No impassioned conversion plea. At some strategic point near the end of the second day, the "new publication" will be announced. There will be a decorous stampede to pick up this new publication, close to the contribution boxes.
Apart from the length and number of attendees, the main difference I've noticed between conventions and regular meetings is that the talks seem to be scripted almost word for word, and most of the speakers read them with an annoying inflection similar to Reverend Lovejoy from the Simpsons.
In Europe the District Convention is often held at an outdoor football stadium. So you may return with a suntan, or perhaps a chill, depending on the weather . The 'sisters' have to endure inadequate toilet facilities . The invalids are cared for to a varying degree depending the local administration.
There used to be food and drink sold on site, but that stopped and now everyone has to bring sandwiches and flasks , to last all day.
The program is all scripted and largely manuscript read. It includes discourses, interviews and "Dramas" which are performed by mime to a prerecorded tape, often in Biblical costume There is no discussion or debate. Everybody sits,'listens' and applauds politely . If you love the JW life and beliefs it can be a good experience - if you are not so committed, Conventions are a drag and a trial for those in poor health.
District Convention Reminders (Kingdom Ministry April 2005) - extracts from article
? Program Times: The program will begin at 9:30 a.m. all three days. The doors will open at 8:00 a.m. A few minutes before the start of the session, the chairman will be seated on the platform while introductory Kingdom music is played. All of us should take our seats at that time so that the program can begin in a dignified manner. The program will conclude at 5:05 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and at 4:10 p.m. on Sunday.
Saving: Seats may be saved only for those traveling with you in the same vehicle or living with you in the same home.? Donations: Considerable expense is involved in arranging a district convention. We can show our appreciation by making voluntary contributions to the worldwide work at our Kingdom Hall or at the convention. Any checks contributed at the convention should be made payable to "Watch Tower."