by SHUNNED FATHER 9 Replies latest jw friends


    For those of you who are not familiar with this topic you can read about it:

    A very important statement was said here which I forgot to mention. This Lawsuit has set several Precedents and could set other Precedents. Also, there has been a tremendous amount of media coverage. If I were not able to obtain an experienced Lawyer to represent this lawsuit and the lawsuit fails, these important Precedents would be overturned and the chance for other Precedents lost which would have a negative impact on the Cause and on saving lives and putting an early end to the Blood Doctrine. The good that this Lawsuit has achieved and the good that you have achieved for the Cause could be undone or set back many years.

    I reviewed with the Lawyer the documents I had from this case, and the Secret WTS books and the "Jehovah Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation". The lawyer said that all these documents could be introduced as evidence. The lawyer asked me a question, " What do you want out of this lawsuit?"

    My answer was, " If I had one wish , it would be to put an end to this madness, this blood doctrine. I do not want my other two daughters to die because of this religion".

    The lawyer's answer to me was," If you can prove in court what you have said to me now, you could take down the Watchtower Society".

    That made me think about the fact that the Watchtower is only a Corporation, a buisness, a legal entity. It has been done countless times that an individual, or group of individuals have taken a Corporation to Court and won. This is an important opportunity. Someone once said, " There is nothing sadder than a missed opportunity".

    It was asked why I do not get a lawfirm to represent me on a Contingency Basis. I have been trying very hard and have been told by many lawfirms that they are not interested in taking this case on a Contingency Basis for several reasons. One: It is not a simple case to litigate. Two: The amount of money that could be awarded would be too small to make it worth while. Three: The odds of winning is not good enough. For a lawfirm to take on a case on Contingency, it has to be simple, straightforward, a sure thing and they would want to win big. Because the death was that of a child , and the chances of Bethany living was 50% or less than 50%, and because it is a complicated case, chances are no lawfirm will take it on , on a Contingency Basis. Even if I am that lucky, they would still expect a retainer and the out of pocket expenses covered. I hope I was successfull in answering some of your questions. I look forward to hearing more from you.


  • Quotes

    Thanks for the update, Lawrence. I hope you are getting close to having the necessary funds for the retainer, so this can go ahead.

  • Severus


  • hubert

    bttt for newest update from Lawrence.


  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Hhhmm, does your attorney really think that they end result could bring down the Watchtower Society? Would he mean just the Canadian division for now or perhaps the US as well. I think that this grotesque beast is going to bring about its own death. Personally, I think that the wild beast in the scriptures has a direct reference to the WS as a whole. Not just the whore riding upon it.

    As stated earlier on a different thread regarding our views of whether or not the religion will last I say no and it will be at least mortally wounded within 5 years.

    Have you any idea how long before this case might actually see the inside of a courtroom.


  • looking_glass

    Dear SF -

    Thank you for answering the question regarding contingency. I guess because I still only have bits and pieces of the case and I do not have access to the pleadings (only what is written about in the papers and third hand reports) it is hard for me to get my head around the subject matter and the causes of action.

    Frankly, your lawyer sounds like he is blowing smoke. But again, there are a number of things, including what your atty is saying to you, that still make little sense to me. Given I do not know the laws in your country, so I don't know how they legally hold religions up.

    I think regardless of the outcome, I would encourge you to seek therapy. I get the impression that this matter is a constant in your life and should it be resolved, good, bad or indifferent, you will not have something to focus on and the reality of everything will fall down upon you with great force.

    I hope the best for you and that you find peace and resolution in your search.

  • skeeter1

    I agree with your attorney. You have won some issues, and you have lost some issues. If you go further, you could win the issues, or lose them. It's a gamble. If won, you could bring down the WTS. But, it will be a long, hard battle. The WTS has millions and millions of dollars. More than any of us could muster.

    However, I agree with you. You have to think of the children who are alive, not only your daughters but of all the others. It was scary for Columbus to prove the world was round, just as it's scary for you to take the WTS to court.

    I had a thought, perhaps Christian icons like Pat Robinson or Charles Stanley could be approached? They "do not like" the WTS. But, on the other hand, they might not like the proposition of any case which advances that a religion could be sued.


  • hubert
    I think that this grotesque beast is going to bring about its own death.

    Cabin, I think it will also, but not by itself. It has to be continually exposed by ex-j.w.'s for what it really is...... A dangerous cult.

    We just can't sit back and "let things happen". We all have to participate in one way or another.

    Even though I am not rich by any means, mine is to contribute to the law suit, others to write books, articles, protest, you name it. But, we all have to help in some way.

    Otherwise, nothing will get done.


  • chappy

    Contact the ACLU. They love cases like this and their services are free. With all of the church - state litigation that they are handling now, another chance to pounce on religion would fit right in to their agenda. You, on the other hand will have an almost unlimited supply of high powered attorneys on your side.

    Wishing you the best.


  • DannyHaszard
    , others to write books, articles, protest, you name it. But, we all have to help in some way.

    Otherwise, nothing will get done.

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