Just came across this:
There is no book better to deal with than the Holy Bible. It is symbolically called the “sword of the spirit”; and certainly it is better to manufacture and distribute the “sword of the spirit” than to engage in the arms race and in making the munitions of carnal warfare, which only result in injuring, maiming and killing. But the Bible must be supplemented by something else. No, not by the traditions of men who were religious leaders of Christendom or of Judaism. The Bible must be supplemented by dedicated, baptized persons of God’s organization whom he sends forth to preach and teach.
the Bible must be supplemented by something else
by drew sagan 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
drew sagan
They never cease to amaze me what they put into print. Thanks!! This will be good for me to use.l
Boy, that's a good one! They really set themselves up, don't they?
I think they were on the right track there, at least. Only instead of the Bible requiring support in the form of misleading and fallacious interpretations, it should require the reader to apply reason and good sense to their interpretation. That's one of the reasons I found the philosophy and commentaries of Moses Maimonides very interesting after I left the JWs--he actively encourages people to be critical of their beliefs and the texts from which they come.
*** w81 2/15 p. 19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible? ***
We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the Scriptural guidance we need outside the "faithful and discreet slave" organization.
I think he pretty much covered it in that first 100 chapters, although he did send someone to clarify it for us and his name was JESUS, so sod off
The Scythians are GONE!!!!!!!! JEEZ
Why would anybody need help to understand things like "love you enemies and pray for them", "thou shalt not kill"
"no one has everlasting life except he eat my flesh and drink my blood" , "is not the cup we drink the blood of Christ?"
These are all simple statements of Christian values, yet only the WT has twisted every one of them into the opposite of what anybody reading the bible would understand.