Need Help With A Statement About J-Dubs

by XJW4EVR 5 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Tonight in my Apologetics class the professor, in the syllabus, stated the following:

    "During this 1,000 year period, people will be resurrected and have a second chance to recieve eternal life by following the principles of Jehovah's Organization on earth known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society."

    For some reason, this statement struck me as wrong. I vaguely recall some teachings stating that though JWs have "eternal life" they do not have "eternal salvation," as stated above. In other words, that during the millenium and even in the eternal paradise, people can still sin and be destroyed by Jehovah. If anyone could post some definitive articles that either confirm or deny this state could you please direct me to appropriate place.

  • Confession

    I'm not sure the statment is wrong, XJW.

    "During this 1,000 year period, people will be resurrected and have a second chance to recieve eternal life by following the principles of Jehovah's Organization on earth known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society."
    I vaguely recall some teachings stating that though JWs have "eternal life" they do not have "eternal salvation," as stated above. In other words, that during the millenium and even in the eternal paradise, people can still sin and be destroyed by Jehovah.

    I'm just not seeing the conflict between your statements and his. JWs teach that, after people are resurrected, they then have a "chance" at "everlasting life." This, they say, of course requires they bring their lives into harmony with God's requirements. I don't think the professor's statement suggests that those resurrected then attain "immortality."

    Their position is that, if anyone were ever to challenge Jehovah's sovreignty again, there will have been a precedent. All the time given up until armageddon to prove that humankind cannot govern itself will be proof that Jehovah was right--and those who resist Him wrong. They may then be destroyed.

  • Alwayshere

    XJW4EVR, I have understood it the same as you. But don't know if I can find anything on the subject since I got rid of most everthing related to that cult. If I can find something I will post it.

  • nicolaou

    w54 9/15 p. 575 Questions From Readers ***

    "Gaining that system of things" means more than just rising from the grave and entering and making a start in the endless new world. Will these ones brought back in a resurrection of the unjust take up the way of integrity to Jehovah and maintain it? We know that some will fail to do so in the final test that comes at the end of the millennium, that they will fail to gain it, going down in death, and hence will not be among those to whom it is said, "Neither can they die any more."

    I cannot find a quote relating to death after the millenium but I'm sure it's there somewhere. I'll keep looking.

  • Atlantis

    Death at the end of the Millennial reign or at "any time" thereafter! Watchtower-1950-10-15-p.399 Questions From Readers ? Revelation 21:4 says that in the new world there will be no more death. Does this mean that even animals will not die then?—M. I., New York. This text does not mean that all death will be eliminated. Rebellious human creatures will die during Christ’s millennial reign, and those siding with Satan at the end of the thousand years will perish. (Isa. 65:17, 20; Rev. 20:7-10) True, Revelation 20:14 shows death destroyed and thereafter Revelation 21:4 says there will be no more death, but the death referred to is death due to inheritance from Adam. Men will not then degenerate and die because of Adam’s transgression, but at any future time Jehovah God could execute any willful rebel that would disrupt the peace of the new world. Hence Revelation 21:4 speaks only of the Adamic death of humans, and has no application to the animal realm.



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