well, i've heared it all now...

by Ellie 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    Blues And Twos - Police Officer's Blog

    Blues and Twos - Police & Law Blog is a an amalgamation of thoughts, feelings and observations on news, current affairs and UK policing in general. Our police blog has contributions from officers of the rank of Inspector (Organ Grinder) down to Constable (Monkey). Blues and Twos - The Police Officer's Blog

    Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    Brixton Prison Toilets Offend Muslims

    Facilities in Brixton prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.

    I've just read this on Wonko's World and thought it was a wind-up......
    Alas no.

    A Brixton prison officer said: “If they didn’t get locked up for committing crime they would not have this problem. Yet we have to sort out their loos. If we weren’t paying for it as taxpayers I’d laugh my socks off.”

    Labour MP Khalid Mahmood said: “As far as I understand this rule only applies in a place of worship.”

    Tory MP Ann Widdecombe said: “Some common sense needs to be applied.”

    Here's the 'dirt' on the whole crappy issue!

    Jail loos turned from East.
    Jail toilets face away from Mecca.
    Don't 'poo-poo' it there's even more here.

  • diamondblue1974

    The world just gets more stupid as time goes on.


  • greendawn

    They are asking for too much, they are just like the Jews in having lots of rules and following the letter of the law rather than the spirit.

  • Finally-Free

    Maybe the toilets should be placed in a position that allows everyone to point their asses toward Mecca.


  • sass_my_frass

    I saw photos of a little kid having his arm broken by having a car driven over it while it was held up on blocks, as punishment for theft. I really want to be tolerant, but that broke my heart.


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