From: Craig Date:
Argument with fiancees family
by corproal 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry for multiple posts .
"From: Craig
Date: Apr 1, 2006 6:48 PM
I can't believe what a hypocrite you are.
Your sister doesn't know that I've left you a message but I feel I should let you know how I feel.
Here you are sitting in judgemnet of your sister because she doesn't conform to the faithful and supposedly doscreet slave ,yet I've read post after post of things that in my opinion make you a not so great witness.
I mean come on drunkeness having lust for wordly men.
Then to make matters worse you continue to speak to your brothers who have demonstrated time and time again that they really aren't part of the so-called truth.
Lets see lat time I checked the Borgs writings ,tattoes were a no-no yet your brothers seem to keep getting them.
Then there is the fact that you are sitting on what appears to be the floor of a bathroom drunk
I mean you say that you worship Jehovah ,prove it and stop beiong a hypocrite and tell those wordly appearing people to stop posting on your page or better yet delete the posts.
You're quick to judge your sister yet you won't even use your brain and question the governing body about such issues as them joining the U.N as an NGO in the 90's.
Yeah I know that they say that they joined only because they wanted a library card.
I guessed they missed the part about adhering to the U.N. Charter.
Yet if you wanted to go to a YMCA you could be difellowshipped.
can call me apostate or whatever catch-phrase you witnesses choose to label people with ,doesn't matter because I only answer to my lord and savior Jesus Christ and my Father who is in Heaven and not a bunch of old men sitting in Crooklyn(Brooklyn)
I am truly disappointed in you.
Your sister sits here and agonizes over you everyday the least you could do is have the guts to speak to her,but that's write nost witnesses when confronted with reality just like to run and cower like cowards.
Craig " -
The result of this is as follows.
Apr 15, 2006 6:30 PM
Subject:Email to Serena
You know, I tried my hardest to be as peaceful as possible, but you didn't even try, and you are the one supposed to be setting the example ...
I am not ridiculous, you shouldn't even be joking about drinking, if you don't do it, it isn't very Christian like, And if you think there is nothing wrong w/having an actor on your page, well then what do you think other witnesses would think? To have him on your page, obviously means you like him in some way, that you think he's cool or whatever, but as a witness you are not supposed to be a "part of the world", so there is why Craig said that...You surely don't sound like you want me to come back at all... and if anything you really have turned Craig off to being interested. Also what you said about everyone puts jokes or untrue stuff on myspace, well not me, I am for real, open, & honest, & you should be too if you know that others know you are a JW & they see your page...I never was spying on your page, I have a life believe me.
& about you telling me I turned Jehovah down, that is so judgemental of you. Who are you to judge? You have no idea what I teach my children, you don't live here.
It was all good and fine when you came to stay w/me, how soon we forget...& you begged me to attend your baptism. Remember Craig took me.You said you'd never stop talking to me, no matter what...that was a lie!
I didn't turn my back on anyone, in fact JW's turned their back on me if you want to look at it that way, I went to them w/a full confession and begged for help, and appealed their decision, but to no avail.
Whatever happened is between me & Jehovah & you have no authority whatsoever to say that I turned my back on can not read my heart. How could you possibly say that I turned my family down? It is the other way around.
I've always tried to give you good advice as older sister, I guess now is the time to say goodbye, you said don't talk to you, even though I personally never did anything to you, I wrote you an email back in response to the initial email Craig sent that I initially knew nothing about...and you don't talk to me anyways so...Anyways, you go on w/your life...Associate w/who you want to, and justify your doings, at least when I was in the religion I wasn't a hypocrite.
---------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cambo
Date: Apr 14, 2006 2:43 PM
well this is the last email ...and i dont want to be having a conversation with either of you.
that is not a matter of submission....just let him know he is not welcome here at all!
and how ridiculous can the two of you be? first of all the guy in the background is Clive actor, just because i have a pic of him does NOT mean i have a "lust" for him....that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my life...come on, get a life craig.
as for the drinking....once was a joke......i dont even drink screwdrivers for real! if u guys think u can spy on people by looking at their profiles.....u need to seriously get a life............use ur time more wisely ok....and dont go and make accusations off of mere comments on a myspace profile.....that is jokes....and everyone knows a lot of stuff on myspace is not for real...especially when everyone can see ur profile.
also ur very contradicting......i told you I DO NOT drink with that guy samedy........i only drink with witnesses or family.....and that is like one beer in a once or twice a month...........
and to tell u the truth..........i consider u WORSE than a worldly person because you know better.
and here you think that just because you dont "claim" to be a JW that ur ok? Let me remind you....when you got baptized....u dedicated your life to JEHOVAH , NOT to an organization of JW's. so just because ur not a jw anymore......excuses you in NO WAY from your obligations to JEHOVAH. and if you somehow think that your lifestyle is acceptable to jehovah then you got a long way to go...because that dont fly in his book...
that excuse may work for Craig, but it certainly doesnt work for you!
u may not think u turned ur family down, but u did! and in the worst way possible..u also turned Jehovah down...and are now teaching ur children a bunch of lies...
dont talk to me again
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: myperogotive
Date: Apr 8, 2006 7:38 PM
Before you read any of this, please keep in mind I am not trying to pick on you or judge you or start a fight...Mostly I am writing back what Craig was trying to tell you, but the words didn't come out right...
First of all, I can't keep Craig in check, he is his own person, & how 'submissive' would that be?
Second, I checked w/him & the guy he was referring to in your profile is the guy on your background, you know the pic u have on your background of the "Mel Gibson, look alike" w/the green eyes. ..He was saying why do you have a pic like that when you are not supposed to be having feelings for anyone but a husband...
As for the drinking, he was referring to a comment you made to someone named Chelsea on Nov. 25 at 8:54pm: "I am drinking a screwdriver...but i think i put too much vodka in it lol" It had nothing to do w/Samedy at all, but by the way, I did see the comment you sent him & no it had nothing to do w/his asking you out for "drinks 2 or 3 or 4" why would he ask you out for drinks if he doesn't drink? And if he is a co-worker, & not a JW, then should you be associating w/him?
I am not here to pick a fight, or to point out to you what you are doing wrong, but it seems to me that, if you could hang w/these people & drink & so forth, then why can't you say hi to your sis? Also, I don't understand why you would say you want me to have nothing to do w/your life & to stay out...& the comment you made about me & craig doing plenty of things wrong, well we aren't the ones claiming to be JW's either...All I know is that I would never abandon family, no matter what unless maybe you murdered someone...I love you, you are my sister and if you called me for help on anything at any time, I'd do my best to listen to you or help you out...I would not turn you down.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Apr 3, 2006 4:53 PM
You need to keep ur guy Craig in check. I dont want him sending me messages like this or i will have to start blocking people like him.
I am not gonna waste my time telling him that these accusations are totally false...and if he had any idea who that guy was on my profile and how he actually does NOT even drink alcohol....Craig would feel pretty stupid about saying such a thing...he needs to get his facts straight before he blabs his mouth like that....
I am also not gonna go and preach to u or craig on how many things you are doing wrong in your stay out of mine ALSO.
Also...craig claims he doesnt visit apostate sites..well how come you tell mom that he visits them all the time...and in the below message he must of got his info from some bizarre site..."Borg's writings".
I have only been drunk once in my life when i was 19...and that is i am not a drunkard or have any lust whatsoever for worldy men. the males on my profiles are either family, relatives.....or design tell him to bug off.
i dont want either of you in my life.....and i KNOW you know why...even though CRAIG doesnt seem to understand why...cuz he was never a JW and does not know how the disfellowshipping process works.
What I do is my business....and what YOU do is your tell CRAIG to stay OUT of my business.
THANKS very much. hope the girls are doing fine.
Serena -
That wasn't the end of this though because one of the brothers hit me up before the sister emailed my fiance.
Here's the brother's response.Apr 2, 2006 6:00 PM Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ]
Subject:RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Read this if you hve the guts.
Body:Excuse me, but you sure don't know what you are talking about. You don't even know half of what is going on with Braun and Doug, and it just goes to show how quickly you just jump to assumptions. Obviously if you read the bible, it did you no good, cause you don't even obey it. And no, I do not waste my time in debates with close-minded people. And if its the translation you are so up tight about, the witnesses can use any bible translation to refute the trinity and any other doctrine. And somebody is lying because dita says you go to apostate sites all the time to look up info. ANyway I am not going to waste my time or your time, so don't bother replying back. I already blocked incoming messages.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Craig
Date: Apr 2, 2006 2:19 PM
Well you want to bring me living in sin ,well what about the new tats on your brothers Braun and Doug.Last I checked witnesses and those who are coming back aren't supposed to defile their bodies.
By the way don't assume I havern't studiesd regarding the trinity so how dare you call me blind .I've read the Bible from cover to cover.
You call me close-minded ,I say you're close-minded.Ask the society why they quoted Johannes Gerber's Bible and used it as a basis for the NWT?
Dude don't think I'm not aware of what the society teaches.Anything I've told you comes directly from their official website.
You mentioned the trinity and 99 % of scholars disagree with the NWT.The problem is the society likes to misquote scholars to suit their needs.
Anytime you want to debate let me know.
By the way you should really learn to respect your elders.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Austin
Date: Apr 2, 2006 2:06 PM
Anybody believing in the trinity is so blind, that is just the same as saying you and your Dad are the same person. The bible is so clear on that subject, and their is countless scriptures to back it up (read the whole bible, not just part of it). So if you believe that Jesus is God, then you are just close-minded, and it doesn't matter what anybody says to you whether it is right or wrong. Plus you got everything mixed up about my sister. That pic of her is not drunk, she is showing her hair dye.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Craig
Date: Apr 2, 2006 1:55 PM
Whatever.The real question is why can't your sister answer her own e-mail
I really don't care if what you have to say about me.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Austin
Date: Apr 2, 2006 12:08 PM
How dare you speak like that to my sister. Plus 99% of the things you read on the internet about the witnesses is false and I should know that because I am one. Even the encyclopedias have false info. Those claiming to be ex-jws also post lies, false info, and exaggerated stories and it would be very unwise to believe them. Why don't you research the bible itself to see the truth for yourself. In fact the witnesses are the only ones to use Jehovah's name and even other religions of the world are forced to admitt that is his name but their flawed thinking has caused them to abandon it. And there is countless other evidence that the witnesses have the truth, and it should be very clear to see. but that is beside the point. You are living in sin even from the "world's" standpoint, so why focus on the witnesses when you aren't even married? -
You might want to edit out the email addresses on the 4th post as it'll show exactly who you're talking with.
Its alright because I'm going to provide links to these peoples myspace pages so you can see what hypocrites they are.These by the way are all witnesses in good standing.
Check the two last ones in particular ,you'll notice the numerous tats and some of the friends.
Isn't putting up pictures of actors the same as idolizing them?
That's what I was thinking but I may be wrong.