Okay, so I was reading the Onion today and they had a list of Simpson quotes for every day use. It made me think of people here who have said that they feel like they wasted their life. Here is the quote in the iOnion.
Quote: Ohhh, I've wasted my life
Episode: Treehouse of Horror VIII (10/26/97)
Context on the show: While reading a comic and loudly lecturing Aquaman on his romantic choices, the Comic Book Guy sees a missle bearing down on him and comes to sad terms with his impending death.
Real life uses: Useful at virtually any moment of self realization or self awareness.
I also feel that South Park has a lot (even more) applicable sayings or episodes that relate to JWs, ex-JWs or any fantical religion. Anyone else here have a favorite humerous sayings that they think their fellow believers/non believers would enjoy.
- Hidelio Ho There Neighbor