Yo. My wife is doing a report on religion and has to do an interview with a person of that faith. We are cheating and pretending I'm a person from work who is a JW. I'm trying to explain the five different meetings but I don't know what magical book they are studying for the book study. Any help would be appreciated.
quick question
by riverofdeceit 6 Replies latest jw friends
The "Daniel's Prophecy' book, I think.
I think they have already started studying "What does the Bible Really Teach" book.
*** 1996 JWs--Unitedly doing God's Will Worldwide brochure pp. 14-15 Meetings for Inciting to Love and Fine Works ***
Perhaps the first meeting that you attend will be the 45-minute public talk, dealing with Bible teachings, prophecy, or counsel on Christian living. Following this talk, there is a study of the Bible, using an article in The Watchtower that is especially designed for congregation study. The study follows this format: A paragraph from The Watchtower is read, and the conductor propounds questions on the material that those in the audience may volunteer to answer by raising their hand. Usually several comments are given on each paragraph. The meeting lasts one hour.
Later on in the week, two other 45-minute meetings are held. One is the Theocratic Ministry School. It provides training on how to gather material on Bible subjects and to teach it effectively. Following 21 minutes of special instruction, students who are assigned in advance give short presentations. After each presentation, the school instructor gives counsel showing how the student may improve. Several textbooks have been prepared for use in this school. Those who regularly attend meetings may enroll, provided they are living in a way that accords with Christian principles.
The meeting that follows is called the Service Meeting. It consists of three or four parts that deal with presenting the good news from house to house as well as other features of the ministry. These parts are presented as talks, discussions, or demonstrations, with some audience participation. Much of the program is based on material found in Our Kingdom Ministry, a four-page instruction sheet published monthly by the Watch Tower Society.
Another meeting is a weekly study held in smaller groups, usually in private homes throughout the congregation’s territory. The study is based on the Bible and a recent book published by the Society. Since the group is smaller, there is a better opportunity for all to share in the discussion, and there is a fine opportunity for those in attendance to get better acquainted with one another.
And after the Bible Teach...[drumroll]...Revelation—Its Grand Orgasm At Hand!
I don't know what magical book they are studying
Too funny! You made me wake my wife up, lol!
White Waves
I have it from the source, my soon to me ex-husband, the book being studied is "What Does The Bible Really Teach? He says this is a 2005 publication. He is trying SOOOO hard to rehabilitate me as a JW and keep me as his wifypoo.
White Waves
I told him that I needed the WBTS CD since I threw away everything else, he is sending me the CD and the last 2 years of publications. I won't be reading them but I am looking forward to the CD.
If your almost-ex is flakey (mine is ) and doesn't get you the CD, I can give you a copy of my '05.