I have looked forward to Blondies weekly WT commentary. I appreciate it must be a lot of work and I shouldn’t expect it but should enjoy it when it appears. Just want her to know it's enjoyed and appreciated.
Missing Blondies weekly commentary
by justicehope 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
I completely agree. I look forward to reading them.
Thank you Blondie.
Just wanted to add my ME TOO!
Sally Sue
i think its how she highlights the key parts. The brainwashing...Blondie, where art thou?
I don't often comment, but I read it every week it is here and miss it sorely when it is gone.
THANK YOU, Blondie!! The absence makes my heart grow fonder.
AuldSoul -
I have not been able to access JWD since yesterday morning. I have posted my review now. Sorry for the delay. Did anyone else have problems accessing?
Yeh! little toe did a topic on it.
Just wanted to ad my ako rin, or me to, always have enjoyed the weeklys n the botchtower study.