Imagine i wanted to sell you a painting. I gave you a lot of documents and proof that infact it was a valuable Constable Painting. The price was high but for what you appeared to be getting, the sacrifice in money is worth it.
What if, for example. I held back documents and proof that might make this a copy, a fake or clearly NOT a constable painting? You'd be upset and demand to know why i'd do such a thing. You wouldn't buy a painting from me again and would make sure no one else did for fear they'd end up getting hurt.
Someone sold me a painting once. They gave me evidence and proof to back up their story. I bought it and held onto it no matter what. Turns out that what i was willing to give my life for, was worth nothing.
Does an experienced diver go without checking his equipment? Do you cross the road without looking? Does a climber go without first checking his ropes and equipment? Will someone set out on a long journey without a map and compass?
Back to the painting. Point is this. The painting is the "Paradise" and the Watchtower Society. The Seller is your average Jehovah's Witness. They sell you something that they didn't know the details of. They thought they had conclusive proof in their hands. Sadly they don't.
What to look for? Check-out the UN Scandal and importantly the 607 B.C.E date for Jerusalems Destruction. You might be surpised to find your "painting" is a fake.