OMG - I just found a 1990 Yearly JW Calendar...

by TresHappy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    amongst my things...I forgot they listed the weekend days with a to do - In service...


    I'm pulling my hair out!

  • looking_glass

    I bet the pictures are the same that they use today. And if there are people, they are dressed the same w/ the same book bags and stuff from stoops like is shown all the calendars. What a happy, shiney people.

  • Synergy

    I remember those calendars! My dad went on and on when they came out of how great it was that the service was on there. I was upset because I was already a child homeschooled and forced to pioneer. My service schedule was 7:30-4:00 Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday. I didn't want to go on Saturday! But when that came out, it didn't matter that I already put in 90 hours a month but I had to drag myself out on Saturdays too! Why? Because the "loving brothers went to the trouble of putting it on the calendar for us and if we didn't go it would show disrespect for Jehovah's Theocratic Arrangement. What shit! I hate my parents for that I just hate it! By the way,,,I was 11 in 1990.

    Renee (of the cheated out of childhood class)

  • geevee

    Watchtower stuff gets everywhere, just when you thought you have thrown out the last of it, something always turns up, an old km or a wt or a yearbook....tried to rid my home and office but still it turns up....that Satan!!!!!

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