UN or Gov'ts that will turn on Babylon the great??? New Light?

by architect 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • architect

    This past watchtower study said the goverment(s) will turn on Babylon the great, I thought it was the UN? Is this new light?

  • Sunnygal41

    well, it's been 7 years for me, but, I think the 7 headed ten horned wildbeast is the UN, but, also represents the governments of the world........so........the governments do it using the UN organization, as it has the power to do so.

  • sir82

    I think it is one of those "gradually fading in" new lights.

    Go back to the 60's & 70's when Fred Franz was still acting as the "JW oracle". There you will see all kinds of references to the UN attacking religions.

    Thru the 80's & 90's, the explict references to the UN itself were softened.

    Beginning about the same time that the Society became an NGO associated with the UN-DPI, references to the UN itself attacking religion stopped.

    You began to see expressions like "member nations of the UN will attack religion", "militarized horns of the UN nations", etc.

    Lately, it seems that they are dropping most if not all references to the UN.

    Some new ideas, they just burst out and it's called "new light". Generation change, separation of sheep & goats, etc.

    Other changes just gradually transform over time, such as this "UN attacking religion" one. Other examples of this are "blood fractions are now a conscience matter" and "the creative days were not each exactly 7000 years long". Promoting such ideas 20 or 30 years ago would have gotten you D_F-ed faster than fornicating a CO's wife.

  • greendawn

    They were once saying that it was extreme left wing elements that would do it through the UN but it never seemed likely since the communists never controlled the UN though they were indeed fiercely anti religion.

    One more prediction that had the appearence of being reasonable failed completely.

  • ButtLight

    You could always call up the GB and ask them since they rode that "7 headed ten horned wildbeast" for so many years.

  • blondie

    It is played both ways for some time...usually governments within the UN...just about every government on earth.


  • the sage
    the sage

    Maybe this new millennium is the great day of Jehovah, armageddon, and the expose' that was to come with that day is begining. (re.16:15,16). The seventh angel pouring out his bowl upon the 'spirit & authority of the air, satan' (eph 2:2). The Angel about to restrain the devil on a short chain. (re.20:1). The shake up, 'an earthquake' so extensive, that the great city, babylon who has a kingdom over the kings of the earth, ( re.17:18) is split into three parts. religion, politics and commerce. The waters that supported her drying up. (re.17:1,15,16). The hail of hard hitting expose' of false religion taking place. The people who demand truth getting out of babylonish religion. Are we with our reasearch not responding to the invitation as birds to peck away at the carcass of this wicked beastly system at the great evening meal of God.(re.19:17,18). The kings of the earth, the traveling merchants, all who make a living by her are begining to stand at a distance from her, soon there is no one to buy there full stock any more.(re.18th chapter) Have we now entered the thousand year reign of Christ, armageddon? Would be an exciting time see.

    like very much to know your thoughts, Architect & Blondie

    the sage

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