
by geevee 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • geevee

    Hi all, well this is an odd one, but lately, my wife and I and our youngest son have been having dreams that we are at the meetings, but when we are there, it doesn't feel right, we know that we dont want/or shouldn't be there. People are fussing over us, but all we want to do is get out of there.
    Other times, we are giving talks and so forth. Haven't been door to door in any dreams though!! That's got to be a good thing. I know it's weird. I guess when something used to control all your life for most of your life, it is still in the sub conscious, trying to work it away.
    Any one else have dreams like this? Maybe we need deep psychological purging. Am/have read Hassans books.

  • candidlynuts

    i think its normal, i did the same thing when i finished high school..would dream i was in school and different stuff going on ..

    its your brain trying to catch up with the rest of us i guess lol

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Sometimes I have weird dreams and have looked through books to try to understand what dreams mean. Then when I get into the books it gets into stuff that is somewhat uncomfortable.

    I think that sometimes they mean your greatest fears.


  • anewme

    Yes, until I made peace with God I dreamed of the witnesses and the meetings and conventions all the time. I would be at a meeting or at a witness gathering and they would begrudgingly tolerated my presence. Then over time and repeated dreams they actually accepted me and invited me in service with them!

    I knew I shouldnt go, but I did on one occasion. I had no magazines or Bible. And I think I was in my pjs.
    Anyway, that was weird.

    My dreams all stopped when I came up with my new religion, kind of a nature reality religion, leaving all the complicated stuff for God to deal with.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I have the occasional dream that I'm associating with the jws again as well. I awake thinking I am glad it's just a dream. To do that in reality would be a nightmare.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I too have had many dreams about high school since I left. I would be back in high school, and I would realize that I never graduated and had to go back to finish. Boy those dreams where terrible. Haven't had one in a long time. Glad I never had any about the hall.

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    I had dreams of the meetings, field service and socializing with JWs too. Only, I called them nightmares. When I was still "trying to like it" the nightmares started. When I decided once and for all that I was never going back, it was a huge relief and the nightmares ceased. Now, I can even drive by a JW KH without screaming obscenities . Fellow passengers REALLY appreciate the new me .

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