Someone wants to know; are KH's taking pictures or video during meetings?

by Apostate Kate 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Someone said a camera was pointed at her during a meeting. Anyone here of anything of this?

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    She says it was an an elder with a hand held camera. She was new.

  • blondie

    In lieu of the phone hookups some congregations have for the housebound and temporarily ill, I have heard of closed circuit television or webcam. Must be a wealthy congregation to be able to do that. Of course, they are always those idiot JWs running around taking pictures of people at the KH without their permission, visiting tourist JWs for example.

    Bethel has closed circuit of the meetings at the Brooklyn Heights congregation.


  • Tea4Two

    I was allowed to video the Sunday talk and Watchtower meeting with permission back in the late 80s...I still have the tape....

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Actually, there are cameras in one KH in my current city of residence but its for parking lot and entrance security. Nothing aimed at the publishers inside.

    The assembly hall in London Ontario does have cameras inside, but they're positioned to zoom in on the stage and the baptismal pool. (While the cameras can be rotated about to focus in on some of the seats in the first 3 rows or so, the angles are awkward)

  • BluesBrother

    The Assembly Hall in Maltby, South Yorkshire, UK has a video camera that blows up the speaker onto a larger than life screen behind him . A bit like a Rolling Stones stadium gig without the music and fun .. I have no idea why they find this necessary . If I were a speaker I would find it very off putting.

    I have never seen any shots of the audience. I would object strongly if they did that to me. As someone said, probably some local idiot who thought it would be fun

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