Let's get one of those Bethel Tours busses and show up like 100 of us. When we get inside and tour we can ask all kinds of embarrassing questions. Like, "While I'm here can I get my personal records and the records of the pedophile that abused me. I'm sure the elders sent the paperwork here." "How far of a commute is it from 125 Colombia Heights to the UN Library?"
This could be a fun Aposta Gathering
by Synergy 4 Replies latest jw friends
It's a fantastic idea Synergy,
A trip into the heart of darkness would be therapeutic, educational and I suspect very funny .. a side picnic at Russells pyramid?.
Good luck and please post photos
she already did nerd! Don'tcha recognize a hot chick?
Of course synergy's a hot chic but it'd be coarse to just come right out and say it!
old retard unc
hey caveman - car you drive a bus? ... um .. you don't have to land it .. Danny Hazard's packed it with fertiliza and Osama's set up a ramp on Brooklyn Bridge
You boys are making me blush. Sweet.