Is dedication practiced in the JW religion

by barry 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    For those of us that have had limited access to JW religion is dedication practiced.

    In churches I have been involved in that dont practice infant baptisim it is replaced by dedication where the parents join with the minister at the front of the church and a prayer is offered to god on behalf of the child.

    i just wondered if there is anything similar in the JWs

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    No, they do not have anything that can resemble what you are making reference to. At least not in a "ceremonial" way. The intellectual proclivity of the Wt religion inhibits any such activity. They will look upon it as nothing but theatre.

    However they do believe that their prospective inductees be "dedicated" to the services of the WTS, [of course calling it being dedicated to joe hoover] They use the scripture at 1Pt 3:21 to urge the inductee to PRIVATELY dedicate himself to this new way of life, making whatever adjustments that are needed to be a sucessful JW. [See, for istance the "United in the Worship of the Only True God" book, pg 35]


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    JWs come down strong on what the call a "personal dedication and baptism". Of couse the dedication is 50/50.

  • barry

    Thanks people for that during my short stint with the witnesses i never saw it a at the kingdom hall and i just wasnt sure .

    The scriptural reason used is when Samuel was dedicated to the lord and is probably in some way a replacement of infant baptism.

    Just dont say that to the Baptists or the Adventists they may be offended.

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