For some time now, reports of persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Uzbekistan has been reported on the internet.
What it the WTBTS doing to protect its members in Uzbekistan, if anything?
by Gill 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
For some time now, reports of persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Uzbekistan has been reported on the internet.
What it the WTBTS doing to protect its members in Uzbekistan, if anything?
I doubt that they are doing anything to protect them. I want to point out that the jws aren't the only ones persecuted in that area. It's a cultural thing over there. The state religion is Eastern Orthodox and anyone else is viewed a herectical. That includes born-again Christians too.
JW's are not the only persecuted there... I guess all cults/sects/religions get their asses beaten by Uzbekistan regime
Having moved on from JW land, and now considering their mass conversion project as total lunacy, it seems even more insane that 'Christians' are attempting to convert fellow 'Christians' to a more obscure form of Christianity. They seem to want to recreate the persecution of the Christians by the Romans. Only then can they feel that they are real 'Christians'.