Is there any news? Or is it just down for advanced maintenance.
Reexamine Website
by inbyathread 8 Replies latest jw friends
I've been wondering the same thing. Its been down for a few days now and I'm wondering if the WTS is doing some sort of DOS attack from outside the US where it is not yet illegal.
I've been wondering myself what's going on.
However, you can still read the files from it's associated site. As for example, Watchtower publications from the 1920s at:
For any other decade change the 20 to whatever decade you want.
I'd say some sort of maintenance is going on.
I tried a few of the common home page names and this came up:
I don't know what is going on with it, though.
Looks like they got hacked. Maybe the WTS is behind it. Wouldn't it be great if the admin for the site could get definitive proof of who sabotoged the site? Not being that savvy about those kind of things, I don't even know if it's possible though. Wishful thinking I guess.
Let's keep this thread on top so we can show our support for the Reexamine site...
I wondered about this. The person behind this web site has definitley balls of steel. I wondered how long it would be before they were taken down. If not by legal means then by stealth. Maybe "Ted" or one of his clones has been doing a computer course at night school??
Well I can't get the download page (with stuff like the KMs). But everything from QUOTES' old website is fully accessible.
So its probably only some maintenance, and the updated site will be even better.
Reexaminer is doing some “Spring Cleaning”. Obviously his site did not suffer irreparable damage; he is making some changes.
His efforts are very much appreciated.
Thank you Reexaminer.
Yes, thank you reexaminer!! I love that site!