The Watchtower's Spiritual Erectile Dysfunction

by metatron 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    April 1 Watchtower, Page 25

    "We dedicate ourselves, not to a cause or to a work, but to Jehovah himself"

    Page 22, same article:

    "Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with

    God's spirit-directed organization?"

    A "faithful" sister pointed out the above to me. It seems she remembers when she was baptised in the name of the Holy Spirit,

    rather than this barely disguised loyalty oath to the Watchtower Society.

    The Watchtower and its minions would be horrified if they could read the minds of many publishers these days, as they spout

    simple-minded nonsense ( "worse and worse! worse and worse!") to audiences that increasingly aren't fooled by their limp

    deceptions. I have to laugh at their speculations that put "the king of the North" in southerly Muslim nations and the "king of the South"

    in the more northerly United States. Is it any wonder that one of the new Governing Body members is complaining that the publishers

    don't want to study "prophecy" anymore? ( Apparently, they've gotten a lot of letters about it..)

    Too bad they can't find any spiritual Viagra to improve matters. You're getting impotent, Watchtower.


  • Mary
    I have to laugh at their speculations that put "the king of the North" in southerly Muslim nations and the "king of the South" in the more northerly United States

    WTF?? Are you serious? The "King of the North" is now a Muslim nation?! Whatever happened to the USSR? Oh ya, I forgot---it broke up over a decade ago. Wonder who it'll be tomorrow.........

    I don't think there's ever been a group of religious leaders who are so totally consistent in getting prophecies WRONG like the GB. Maybe they should think about just not attempting it any more......

  • under_believer

    I don't believe that Muslim nations being the King of the North is an official doctrine - yet. It's definitely being heavily speculated on by some R&F I know, and I have heard rumors that higher ups like COs and DOs have made speculative statements about it too.

  • Kaput
    It's definitely being heavily speculated on by some R&F I know, and I have heard rumors that higher ups like COs and DOs have made speculative statements about it too.

    Geez! Shades of '75!!!!

  • blondie

    The United Nations is suddenly going to, and she is already working with the United States to empower and to go against this false religion. Now, we should not think that United Nations is a helpless organization. It will someday with the backing of the coalition gain great power and do this attacking. Now when that happens, friends, and by the way I'd like to mention something, too. If you open up your books called Mankind's Search for God book - inside cover. Look at the map and see how big the Islamic empire is. I was told that it has more than Christendom. So maybe we have been looking at the wrong part of Babylon the Great. It is the most aggressive. It is the one that is irritating the King of the North and the Wild Beast, isn't it? So we have to stay alert, friends.

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