Do JW's believe that in the 1000 yr reign Jesus and the 144,000 will kill?

by booker-t 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • booker-t

    I have always been abit confused on this topic when I was a JW. During the 1000 year reign do JW's believe that some will be killed by Jesus and the 144,000 if they refuse to accept the JW's teaching during the 1000 year reign? What if somebody is reserrected during the millieum and just don't wont to study with the survivors of the Great Tribulation will they be killed instantly or will they have a 1000 years to make up their minds? Because if a person is brought back to life just to be killed again that would not make much sense to me.

  • serendipity

    I think JWs believe that a person could be killed during the 1000 year reign, if he were incorrigible. I'd assume Jesus would do the killing or maybe an angel. I don't know that anyone speculated the corulers would kill.

  • lovelylil

    when people are brought back in the resurrection, all the obstacles that prevented them from accepting the truth will be removed. Which includes spiritual, mental, emotional, false religions, imperfections, all of them. And they will not have to "study" to learn the truth, they just have to want to live under the reign of Christ Jesus. If the WT thinks we will be studying books, they are crazy. God will write his laws on peoples hearts and they will be motivated by love to serve him. It is how true believers are now. They worship God because they want to not because they are forced to. And whereas the WT puts more laws on mankind then the mosaic laws, Christ gave us only two commands to follow: Love you God with your whole heart, mind, strength, and love your nieghbors as yourself.

    So in answer to your question, I personally do not think that thousands will be killed. the only ones who will go to second death are the goats. Meaning willfully stubborn and no matter how much prodding or correcting, they still will not budge to make changes. Most of mankind will make changes and want to live under Christ's reign. Just judging by how he was when he was on earth, can you imagine a more loving, gentile ruler?

    Anyway, this is my opinion.

  • blondie

    The WTS uses this scripture to explain that people could be executed for "wrong" before the 1,000 years are up.

    (Isaiah 65:20) "No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age; and as for the sinner, although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him.

    *** ip-2 chap. 26 p. 385 "Be Joyful Forever in What I Am Creating" ***

    . What of any who choose to rebel against God? Such ones will lose the privilege of life. Even if the rebellious sinner is "a hundred years of age," he will die. In such a case, he will be "a mere boy" compared to what he could have become—a man with endless life.

    *** w00 4/15 p. 16 The New World—Will You Be There? ***

    In the coming new world, people will be safe, secure, able to enjoy life. If a person chooses to rebel against God, he will not be allowed to continue living. God will remove him. What if the rebellious sinner is a hundred years old? He will die "as a mere boy" compared to having endless life
  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    I really don't care anymore what the JW's think about the future because they are all wrong...

    Is. 11:4 says..He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.

    Rev. 19:15 Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations.

    With words, Jesus will kill...not with violence.

    As far as his followers, they will beat their swords into no violence there either...

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