Hey could someone please help me out am looking for "the golden ages" books probably in pdf format the author is you know who The judge.Am in total need of a laugh. I wnat to read all that crazy stuff he had in mind. Totally OLD LIGHT!!!
In Need of a laugh!!!
by Double M 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
More Spiritual humour here: And Now for Something Spiritual Business savy, cross promoting unc
Dr Jekyll
You can buy the judges crap at http://www.ministryideaz.com/Theocratic_Software.htm
Dead buried and dust and he's still making money!
They're still selling the Judges crap? Geez how big a stockpile is there?
The Golden Age certainly had a colorful turn of phrase: Golden Age March 2nd 1921:
When the Sugar Orgy Started
THE sugar orgy started where much of the lawlessness of the past few years has started - in the management of the department which is euphoniously entitled the Department of Justice. .....
If you mean the Golden Age magazines, I was only able to find a CD with 1919 to 1924 on eBay. They are fairly good reproductions but, of course, it is not complete.
The seller on e-bay is, I believe, a current JW so ...be careful.
The seller's name on eBay is burgerbern.
Please let me know if you find any additional sources.