Where's Ozzie? I've not seen him posting here for a while?
by Dr Jekyll 7 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
I believe he is on vacation
Aaah, good to know. Hope he's having a wonderful time!
Aaah, ya missed me!
Thanks for the kind thoughts Doc.
Just remember, ozziepost, you gave us a scare a while back (and yourself too I bet), so when you drop off the face of the earth, we worry. No more surveys....?
No more surveys....?
Dunno....creative juices don't run so well at my age.
It's easier for me, I'm "inspired" by the WT articles.
If someone had an idea and sent it to you (I don't have an idea right now) would you tweak it (if necessary) and post it?
Oh sure would!
I remember that the topic for the 100th Weekend Poll actually came from princess.
Ahh, those were the days!
Anyway, these days I seem to spend so much time in preparing sermons and talks to community groups about the charity work I'm so very much interested in, that Sunday comes around and.....well, it's over!
Anyhow, stay tuned!