Isn't False Prophecy A No-Brainer?

by Unclepenn1 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Unclepenn1

    I have a question that has been buggin me for quite some time. Jesus repeatedly warns against false prophets, and in fact, 26 of the 27 books of the New Testament contain warnings about false teaching/prophecies. <i>Now</i>, you would think after reading those statements in the NT, that people would flee an organization after it makes false prophecies. I am not writing this to offend or be flippant in any way, I am just curious as to what causes a person to stay in a group that is notorious for making many claims that never came to pass. I ask this with all humility and sincerity. I am in the process of collecting old WT books and I plan on sharing these things with the witnesses in my neighborhood. I would love to hear any suggestions as to why people stick around. What do they tell them to make them think they are still in 'the truth' even after so many blatant deceptions.

    Thanks so much,


  • julien

    the watchtower is god's chosen prophet/spokespiece/org whatever.
    except when they teach/predict anything wrong, then they are simply fallible men who are doing the best they can.. even the apostles had wrong expectations. I think the apostles also disfellowshipped anyone who did not agree with all of their teachings.


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