Brandi Binder - JW with half a brain?

by freedomlover 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomlover

    Howdy ya all!

    We were watching 20/20 tonight and this girl was on whose name was Brandi Binder and she had half her brain removed and is alive and well. Quite a remarkable story actually. The thing we noticed though was the bookshelves behind her in a video scene was FULL of JW books!

    So, anybody know this girl? We googled her and found out she is in Colorado Springs.

  • blondie

    If she has been in the news, I wouldn't be surprised if some "enterprising" JW trying to place books or get some time in, sent them to her. If you were able to get her location, they could too. I saw this in another situation where a young person was in the news and received cards, and there in the middle of all the cards were several JW publications.

    I checked Google News and Images and nothing came up on Brandi Binder.


  • blondie

    She lives in Michigan now. I got this website from the ABC 20/20 website.

    No mention of JWs.


  • freedomlover

    wow, quick work Blondie!

    The books we saw were not just a symapathic tract here and there. It was gobs of bound volumes, bibles, the rainbow of all the 192 page books.....

    they were major JW's.

    I wonder if they are out now. There was no comments in the news segment about the blood issue with such a serious surgery.

  • aoxo

    there was talk about some reputable magazine like sports illustrated or something like that with a picture of michael jorden the milwaukee basketball player sitting at his office desk with one of the jw mags lying on the table. don't know if this was an urban legand but several jdubs i know said that they saw the picture. so everyone was like "yeay he's going to be a witness!" there was also a news report on the milwaukee station fox 6 news several years ago about this little boy who was killed (i think for some gang related thing) and in his pockets was found a paradise tract, so again everyone was like "maybe he'll make it in the new system!" if this girl had half a brain ( im assuming that it is the cerebral cortex that was removed ) then its no wonder that she may find the witness teachings interesting.

  • blondie

    I checked for that too, freedomlover, about the blood issue re the surgery. There is an email contact on the website so I would supposed someone could politely inquire about the WTS books in the background.


  • candidlynuts

    abc often has their shows on their website for viewing free the next day.. posting here so i 'll remember to check for this 20/20 episode tommorow.

  • Carmel

    Bro Jordan wasn't a Buck!


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