The meaning of courage
Respond to this 'puff piece' at Boston globe
Wleesaymah Hankerson
Boston Globe, United States - 45 minutes ago
... faster. I became all sweaty until I said that I was a Jehovah's Witness. ... rude. Jehovah's Witnesses are very kind and very respectful. ...
Wleesaymah Hankerson
May 13, 2006
Teacher: Norma Hargrove
Sarah Greenwood School
MY COURAGE story is about how my friends wanted to talk about their different religions. When they talked to me and asked me what my religion was, I was too ashamed to tell them at first.
It started when I was at the Holland School in third grade. During lunchtime my friends were talking about their different religions. All the girls said their different religions, and then it was my turn. They asked me what my religion was, and when they did, my heart started pumping even faster. I became all sweaty until I said that I was a Jehovah's Witness.
They all started laughing and saying that I should not be with those kinds of people because they don't celebrate anything. I explained to them that they were being rude. Jehovah's Witnesses are very kind and very respectful. They helped me understand that in life you do not get a chance to do all of the things that you want. Sometimes people are disrespectful and they don't seem to care. They might even shoot you right there.
I think that I was very courageous to tell them what my religion was and that I am not ashamed to tell anybody. I am proud to be a Jehovah's Witness!
© Copyright 2006 Globe Newspaper Company.
Footnote - at box directly below,it looks like the the Globe has been doing a series on the "meaning of courage" well let's tell them about the courage of Watchtower survivors
----------------- Let them know the truth about the 'truth' [email protected] religion editor [email protected] letter to editor ---------------------- About me-the courage of Danny Haszard Watchtower cult survivor I was 'born in' 1957 to hard core pioneer parents who were reviled for getting 'knocked up' with your's truly (armageddon coming any minute don't have babies) My family started out broken by the watchtower and stayed poor, we lived hand to mouth and the watchtower ruled us with an iron fist. Had a brutal time going to school during the 'better dead than red' super nationalism of the early 1960's. I got beat up in the school yard while the WT leaders who ran my show and made my rules had personal bodyguards. They made us all dysfunctional with their 1975 fiasco (it's all your fault for serving jehover for a date) . Danny Haszard Bangor Maine --------- They use to drill us with Proverbs 29:25 "trembling at men is a snare but he that trust in Jehovah will be protected" (as we bravely went door to door recruiting for the Watrchtower corporation and selling their literature) What are your experiences of exhibiting courage as an active JW or as an outspoken Watchtower cult dissident?