Hi, all. I've been lurking for a few weeks and decided to throw my hat into the ring a few days ago. I've been out of the org for almost 30 years (a long, dreary story for another post). I wanted to ask those who have been out of the org for a while if they have discovered anything beneficial that has resulted from having been a JW. One thing I've noticed is that it's sometimes easier for me (as opposed to someone who has never been a JW) to see through a lot of religious or poltical rhetoric. Having gone through the hell of getting out of the org seems to have heightened my "radar" for crap disguised as logical argument. Has that been true for any of you? Also, I think, or at least I hope, that I'm a more compassionate person for having come through all the injustices and cruelties that the org has thrown at me. Do any of you believe that you're now a more compassionate person as an exJW than you would have been without the JW experience? I also have developed a lively interest in studying other schools of religious thought--Judaism, Paganism, Buddhism, and Islam--not for the purpose of joining any of them, but just to see how other cultures try to explain the human condition. I'm asking these questions so that those who are still struggling with leaving will be encouraged to know that the misery they are going through now will not be totally without some lasting benefit (however small).
Is there anything good about having been a JW?
by parakeet 4 Replies latest jw friends
It helped me to overcome my shyness w/the door to door and talks.
Yes, I can now sell just about anything to anyone, could probably sell ice to Eskimos.
Is there anything good about having been a JW? No. There isn't.
I'm asking these questions so that those who are still struggling with leaving will be encouraged to know that the misery they are going through now will not be totally without some lasting benefit (however small).
By this logic, having your ass set on fire and then being chased down the road by a pack of snarling dogs would teach you an appreciation of
- the discovery of fire and how incredibly hot it actually is
- animal husbandry and understanding and compassion for the dumb beast who desperately wants a chunk of you
Sorry that there are 2 posts about the same thing. I didn't think the first got posted so I wrote another. Just pick one and ignore the other. Thanks!